I had it up..then it was suddenly gone?
You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.
> prep tr
I could not find what you were referring to.
> spell
You recall the spells you have learned from your training.
In the chapter entitled "Inspiration", you have notes on the Courage, Righteous Wrath [rw], Divine Guidance [dig], Truffenyi's Rally [tr], Sentinel's Resolve [sr], Banner of Truce [bot], Anti-Stun [as], Heroic Strength [hes], Soldier's Prayer [sp], Marshal Order [mo], and Rutilor's Edge [rue] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Justice", you have notes on the Halt, Stun Foe [sf], Shatter, Divine Armor [da], Hands of Justice [hoj], Bond Weapon [bw], Holy Warrior [how], Tipping the Scales [tip], Clarity, Smite Horde [smh], and Footman's Strike [fst] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Sacrifice", you have notes on the Alamhif's Gift [ag], Aspirant's Aegis [aa], and Vessel of Salvation [vos] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Analogous Patterns", you have notes on the Ease Burden [ease], Strange Arrow [stra], Lay Ward [lw], Manifest Force [maf], Dispel, Imbue, Seal Cambrinth [sec], and Burden spells.
You recall proficiency with the magic feats of Faster Targeting, Augmentation Mastery, Targeted Mastery, Utility Mastery, Warding Mastery, Deep Attunement, Raw Channeling, Efficient Channeling and Efficient Harnessing.
You have 36 spell slots available.
You are currently set to recognize known spells when prepared by someone else in the area. (Use SPELL RECOGNIZE OFF to change this.)
You are currently set to display full cast messaging. (Use SPELL BRIEFMSG ON to change this.)
You are NOT currently attempting to hide your spell preparing. (Use PREPARE /HIDE to change this.)
You can use SPELL STANCE [HELP] to view or modify your spellcasting preferences.