This is not so much a suggestion but a question:
I know there are unreleased spells and the such for 3.0 and I was wondering if the following items are slated for Paladins
-Elemental Damage Reducer. Seems odd we dont have this.
-Mitigating penalties from wounds and vitality loss. Also seems odd given we are built around the idea of taking damage.
-Some variety of counter attack ability. I thought I read a long time ago this would be tied to a new Protect.
-Glyph Updates. I adore our glyphs but they are pretty limited. Was hoping for more out of this system.
-Holy Weapons. With HoW giving us a on demand bless, it feels to me there is less and less draw to get a holy weapon, especially when changing them is something of a burden. Any thoughts as to freshening up this sytem?
-Engagement Enhancer. Any word on this?