Titles 01/07/2013 03:06 AM CST
Socharis had asked on plat chat what was wrong with titles, and so this is what I am seeing.

Its a case of too many or too few.

1. Too many:
In Guild titles, the titles seem to list every single title available.
For instance, my 26th Moon mage, a g'nar pethian, sees the following titles <some of which only previously appeared in TF: under title pre list moonmage:

The following titles of the Moonmage category are available to you:

Initiate Moon Mage, Apprentice Moon Mage, Journeyman Moon Mage, Stargazer, Medium, Contemplator, Mentalist, Mesmerist, Dreamer, Lunar Mage, Lunar Magician, Ascendant, Psychic, Dreamweaver, Illusionist, Occultist, Spectromancer, Puppet Master, Manipulator, Auspex, Enthraller, Enchantress, Astronomer, Lunarian, Wild Card, Luminary, Scion of Yavash, Scion of Xibar, Scion of Katamba, Illuminated, Scion of Grazhir, Orcris a Ilet Epato Sarbu, Lucky, Palm Reader, Austromancer, Chiromancer, Soothsayer, Luckbringer, Daydreamer, Augur, Fortuneteller, Visionist, Doomsayer, Dowser, Mystic, Predictor, Determinist, Diviner, Mantic, Seer, Sibyl, Fatebound, Aura Reader, Prophet, Omen, Ill Omen, Forecaster, Prescient, Omen Speaker, Forerunner, Portent, Far Seer, Precursor, Harbinger, Fateshaper, Fateshackled, Alda Pelan, Pupil, Cold Reader, Meteorologist, Docent, Mathematician, Philosopher, Geometer, Numinist, Sage, Logician, Fatalist, Cosmologist, Enlightened Geometer, Prognosticator, Alda Remoren, Duskwalker, Darkling, Fade, Shadow of Fate, Shadow Magician, Goldcap Aspirant, Fate Blade, Shadow Weaver, Fate Reaver, Politician, Advisor, Academic, Grazhirean, Gambler, Unbound, Pattern Seeker, Master of Fate, G'nar Pethian, Tenebrous, Shadowmancer, Cryptomancer, Master of Shadows, Mistress of Shadows, Archivist, Proctor, Gestalt, Accord Keeper, Planeswalker, Lord High Tool, Ceiling Cat, Master of the Universe, Full Moon, Mooner, Fate-ality, Blackhole, Captain Planet

This pretty much holds true across all guilds <except necromancers, which only have the novice,journeyman, etc titles> for all GUILD titles.

2. Too few. This basically happened with skills that combined, and the titles for the skill which is no longer showing is not counted.

Socharis stated that we didn't forget how to teach, so we would still have teaching titles, for example, which was a combined skill with scholarship. For example, under lore, I only have listed the following titles:

title pre list lore
The following titles of the Lore category are available to you:

Tinkerer, Reader, Scholar, Student, Musical Enthusiast, Cartographer, Journalist, Antiquary, Correspondent, Archivist

Whereas the teaching ranks which I had before aren't being included in any of the titles <see web site> that had "teaching" for a prerequisite.

This is also holding true for Weapon Master titles i.e. Blademaster, Bluntmaster, Range Master, etc, all of Which I had on my Barbarian, and some of which I had on my necro.

Criminal titles are only listing stealing titles and not any of the lockpicking titles. And, unlike other skill combines, you get the proper response when you type exp sk disarm <locksmithing>, but if you do the former "lockpick" skill, you get '"lockpick' is not a valid skill."

GEnedged, specedged,blunt,survival1, survival2, and survival3 are missing titles as well, all of them from skills that combined.

<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
Re: Titles 01/07/2013 07:49 PM CST

Male characters have access to female only titles. Probably happening both ways as well but I'm not sure.

Other than that yeah anything involving a skill that combined with something else, if it was a Hiding + Stalking req title for example, its unavailable in 3.0.

I guess I haven't noticed the too many thing, but I think my thief already has all the titles.

Some voice throw titles are still busted, but that's not new with 3.0. I think there might be some slip titles that have been missing for years also, but I'm not sure.
Re: Titles 01/09/2013 12:32 AM CST
These should be largely fixed in Test. However, any title that relies on a barbarian ability or a spell won't work, and probably won't work for release. There's a lot of stuff that has to be tweaked to get those to work, and it needs to wait until later.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Titles 01/09/2013 11:17 AM CST

just logged into to test and checked my titles (01/09/13 11:00am CDT)

just about everything under *title pre list weapons* is missing for me now not sure if thats new or was always like that honestly.

also still missing several that were reqs like Hiding + Stalking + <third thing> + <fourth thing>, like backstabbing or escaping or stealing, sorry but some of the titles I don't even know what the reqs are, neither does the wiki. Nightmaster from survival2 is one example of one not working in 3.0

also with your update I lost a handful of pretend titles (had access in 3.0 before the update) like Inquisitor, Grand Inquisitor, Intercessor.

also im pretty sure there still missing slip + voice throw titles from the thief guild.