Guardian spirits now have two new commands. I also tried to clarify the messaging you get when you COMMAND WARRIOR, since some people were having trouble figuring out the syntax for the commands.
Guardian spirits can now be commanded to TAKE or DROP, however this is extremely limited compared to the necromancer version of those commands, for obvious reasons.
DROP does what it sounds like it does -- it makes the GS drop its weapon, for the purpose of giving it some other weapon. This is different from the Necromancer zombie in that the only thing it can drop is its weapon, not any of its other equipment.
TAKE also works as you might expect. However, again, it only allows the taking of weapons, and then only small and large edged MUNDANE weapons. Weapons with fancy mechanics (verby, gored or swappable for instance) cannot be given to the GS. This is mainly so that Empaths can give their GS's blessed weapons for the purpose of hunting undead critters, since this turned out to be a lot easier than getting the bless spell to work on the GS, plus it's slightly more versatile.
Obviously, you will not want to give the warrior any weapons that you would feel terrible about losing. Any weapon that is outside of your inventory is much more likely to be lost, so I hope people will take this warning to heart!
Let me know what bugs you guys can find as well as any feedback or suggestions you have about this.
Seyalle: It does involve the beard integer.
Melete: THE BEARD INTEGER??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Y73sPHKxw
<to be continued...>