I'm not entirely sure how combat is working in 3.0. I was having problems with HT encumbrance stacking in Prime, I assisted about it, now I worked enc into my script and it's fine again. I tested it, albeit a little blindly, in the test realm and it appeared to still be doing the same thing there too.
You throw an object over and over and it slowly builds up your encumbrance until you're getting just hammered on by mobs. I was also retreating at the time in the test realm so it might be that debuff and not the stacking.
Because it hasn't come up since it was fixed before I'm inclined to think it's my choice of weapon that's doing it. A capped FOS with an RS cantrip on it.
It may be doing this in 3.0 or it may be just how combat works there, I'm not sure. It's definitely doing it in prime though.
Avrii says, "I'll train while youre not on and other than that you'll never see me."
You say, "Maybe y'should start wif that."