[Bug} Eluned's Quest 11/24/2012 06:44 PM CST
It was wonderful to get to do this quest again. At the end, I got the following two paragraphs together:

<A giant air bubble suddenly appears on the surface of the deeper waters. Within it you see Shenae, looking sodden but alive. It floats on the water for a moment, and then POPS, releasing Shenae and dumping her onto the ground at the feet of the dolphin statue.

<The air bubble collapses with a POP and you find yourself dumped onto the ground at the feet of the dolphin statue. There is a rush as sweet air fills your lungs, and you gasp it in with relish.

No one was with me in the room. I should not have seen the first paragraph as it was obviously written as the messaging for a third person would see.
Re: [Bug} Eluned's Quest 12/10/2012 03:20 AM CST
This should be fixed.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate