Okay...so Uncurse isn't working with infuse. On Male...so the normal pulsing of male, seems odd. Only seems to hit one person. But once I infuse mana to make it pulse...the normal pulse appeared to never happen again. I can easily make this all happen again...finally figured out what stats make the spell better, and what stats defense against it. Plus when uncurse is being used in Hydra Hex...it is affected by barriers such as LW. LW weakens my uncurse spell via hydra.
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 02:26 AM CST
The normal pulse for HYH will only seek out engaged targets (or group members for Uncurse). The infuse version will attempt to hit all targets. Also, there is very little messaging for HYH aside from the messaging you get from providing mana each pulse, but it is still working even without a message each time.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 11:25 AM CST
warmie has:
Strength : 35 Reflex : 80
Agility : 60 Charisma : 50
Discipline : 50 Wisdom : 40
Intelligence : 40 Stamina : 35
Moon mage has:
Strength : 35 Reflex : 30
Agility : 30 Charisma : 50
Discipline : 70 Wisdom : 65
Intelligence : 65 Stamina : 35
Hyh was preped and casted at 16. Infuse amount was 12. Pulsing, it hit the warmie. Infusing, warmie resisted...still hitting the moon mage. I know the defense of the spell is fortitude. I wonder if there another defense to it...because I confirmed it by respecing and only raising those stats, that its spirit vs fortitude. Curious to what the warmie is doing, that the moon mage isn't as far as defense. No spells or buffs of any kind were up.
Strength : 35 Reflex : 80
Agility : 60 Charisma : 50
Discipline : 50 Wisdom : 40
Intelligence : 40 Stamina : 35
Moon mage has:
Strength : 35 Reflex : 30
Agility : 30 Charisma : 50
Discipline : 70 Wisdom : 65
Intelligence : 65 Stamina : 35
Hyh was preped and casted at 16. Infuse amount was 12. Pulsing, it hit the warmie. Infusing, warmie resisted...still hitting the moon mage. I know the defense of the spell is fortitude. I wonder if there another defense to it...because I confirmed it by respecing and only raising those stats, that its spirit vs fortitude. Curious to what the warmie is doing, that the moon mage isn't as far as defense. No spells or buffs of any kind were up.
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 04:13 PM CST
If it is vs fortitude the MM should be resisting better since he has higher discipline and stam/strength are the same. If that's not the case then I couldn't tell you what the deal is.
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 05:09 PM CST
Yeah, definitely something wonky there. I wouldn't be surprised if the SvS contests are still buggy since they haven't been tested much and they changed a ton.
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 05:35 PM CST
Its clearly running a spirit vs fortitude...we both respec. cleric only boosted intel, wisdom, and charisma to 60. Then warmie boosted stam, strength and disc to 60. He didn't resist again til he got stam to 70. Course i went from 65 to 70..so there a little window.
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 11:01 PM CST
Yep - Spirit vs Fortitude.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
Re: Hydra Hex
01/18/2013 11:54 PM CST
> I am gonna give it a run...played it in test and don't like lots....like lots...but...I have already reduced my subscription from preimie to basic....after over 15 years of playing DR, I am not thrilled with having to relearn something I spent over a decade learning. But I will try it and do my best to accept the new things...but a rezz that takes 10 minutes....not happy....foci....not happy....spirit attacks....happy....buffs being able to be dispelled...not happy...TM needing to be relearned(prep low and use camb) not happy....combat....happy....we'll see what the next few weeks bring
Wait... If i'm hearing you correctly I think your trying to say your not very pleased?
Wait... If i'm hearing you correctly I think your trying to say your not very pleased?