Is ress turned off? I was messing with discern and notice res seems to have changed, and I wanted to test it with the raw channeling ability so I soul murdered someone and went on to attempt to rezz them, and well it does nothing.. the person was dead, res was pulsing but it never saw anything. or was I doing it wrong?
> prep res 25
You begin chanting a prayer to invoke the Resurrection spell.
You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
> cast
You gesture.
A pale blue nimbus explodes outward, enshrouding your body like a ghostly blanket. Slender tendrils of silver vapor slowly arise from the cloud and reach for your eyes like long spectral fingers.
The last of the silvery vapors enter your eyes, tinting your vision with a pale blue light. Adjusting to your new sight, you begin to see the faint spirits of all living beings around you. You prepare to look for the lost spirits of the dead.
You feel fully rested.
You deftly contribute enough of your harnessed streams to maintain your cyclic spell.
An incandescent veil of silver momentarily clouds your vision, adding a lustrous tinge to everything around you.
You contribute your harnessed streams to help maintain your cyclic spell.
Your vision is briefly tinged with a soft silvery hue, as if you were peering though a shimmering grey haze.
> look
[Northern Trade Road, Farmlands]
Rich farmland surrounds the road on both sides. The fresh scent of the tilled soil rises all about you. Southward, the walls of a fair-sized city rise near the banks of a glistening river. A faint haze of smoke hovers over the town, blurring the outlines slightly. To the north, distant hills rear up against the grey-blue horizon.
You also see an onager, a stone pile and an open crate.
Also here: the body of Physician Naeya who is lying down.
Obvious paths: north, south.
The thin silver nimbus shrouding Naeya's body fades away.
You gaze at your surroundings, your eyes searching for things unseen.
> gest naeya
You have not yet found Naeya's spirit in the Void.
A shroud of vapor rises from Naeya's body, dissipating rapidly from view.
> prep sb 15
You begin chanting a prayer to invoke the Soul Bonding spell.
You observe those around you through a hybrid view of the Void and the mortal realm.
[Northern Trade Road, Farmlands]
Rich farmland surrounds the road on both sides. The fresh scent of the tilled soil rises all about you. Southward, the walls of a fair-sized city rise near the banks of a glistening river. A faint haze of smoke hovers over the town, blurring the outlines slightly. To the north, distant hills rear up against the grey-blue horizon.
You also see an onager, a stone pile and an open crate.
Also here: the body of Physician Naeya who is lying down.
Obvious paths: north, south.
nada, dunno whats happening
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 07:06 AM CST
You still have to infuse the pattern just like before.
The prep you cast at determines the amount you can infuse each go, that's all. So prep at 10 and you can only infuse 10 mana each infuse. 25 means you can infuse up to 25.
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The prep you cast at determines the amount you can infuse each go, that's all. So prep at 10 and you can only infuse 10 mana each infuse. 25 means you can infuse up to 25.
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Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 07:49 AM CST
See, I thought the same thing, I just didn't copy down that far, I tried infusing 25 it just gave me the "I don't know what you are referring to." statement.
I tried harness>infuse 25
harness 25>infuse (without adding the 25)
and just harnessing (that part was copied in, as at the top it shows my harness adding into the spell.)
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 07:52 AM CST
Infuse <mana> <spell>
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 07:57 AM CST
well, there you go, I was just doing it wrong, thanks a ton for the help.
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 10:25 AM CST
Also, Rezz does not work on soul murders. So for testing you may want a good old fashioned bloodbath instead.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 06:07 PM CST
The infu <mana> <spell> does not seem to work with resurrection or at all, as best as I can tell.
I'm finding i have to harness mana first than infu <spell><mana>
So which way is it supposed to be?
I'm finding it very frustrating that at over 90 circles I can't keep res up. Kind of makes it a worthless spell anymore, like POM seems to be now.
when i type infu <mana> <spell> I get the infusion help listing.
I'm finding i have to harness mana first than infu <spell><mana>
So which way is it supposed to be?
I'm finding it very frustrating that at over 90 circles I can't keep res up. Kind of makes it a worthless spell anymore, like POM seems to be now.
when i type infu <mana> <spell> I get the infusion help listing.
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 06:36 PM CST
And the infusion help messaging will remind you that the syntax is:
INFUSE <spell abbreviation> <# of mana>
At 90th circle it shouldn't be that hard to deal with. At the easiest mana point, the spell uses up 5 mana per pulse. That 5 mana can come from a cambrinth source, harnessed mana, or raw attunement (with the appropriate feat). The easiest to deal with would be cambrinth, and assuming a filled cambrinth orb to start you can keep the spell powered for 5 and a half minutes while you focus your attunement just toward harnessing and infusing mana into the pattern. With the amount of time provided by the cambrinth orb you would be able to infuse 5 mana at a time more than 100 times if needed. At this rate you would have a very hard time depleting mana since mana replenishes quickly when it is low, which means if you needed to spend some mana recharging your orb while still attempting the raise, you would have mana available to do that.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
INFUSE <spell abbreviation> <# of mana>
At 90th circle it shouldn't be that hard to deal with. At the easiest mana point, the spell uses up 5 mana per pulse. That 5 mana can come from a cambrinth source, harnessed mana, or raw attunement (with the appropriate feat). The easiest to deal with would be cambrinth, and assuming a filled cambrinth orb to start you can keep the spell powered for 5 and a half minutes while you focus your attunement just toward harnessing and infusing mana into the pattern. With the amount of time provided by the cambrinth orb you would be able to infuse 5 mana at a time more than 100 times if needed. At this rate you would have a very hard time depleting mana since mana replenishes quickly when it is low, which means if you needed to spend some mana recharging your orb while still attempting the raise, you would have mana available to do that.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 08:15 PM CST
Ricinus explained it all, though I wanted to point something out:
Rezz is now a cyclic spell, which you don't seem to know? That means you have to provide a static fuel for it. The mana you prep the spell at is the mana it will pull from your harness/camb/attunement each pulse (5 in Ricinus' example). So you're 'having to harness mana' first have to have mana held to cast it.
If you walk out the NE gate of Crossings, and pick up the raw channeling feat, you can run it straight without harnessed mana or camb.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Rezz is now a cyclic spell, which you don't seem to know? That means you have to provide a static fuel for it. The mana you prep the spell at is the mana it will pull from your harness/camb/attunement each pulse (5 in Ricinus' example). So you're 'having to harness mana' first have to have mana held to cast it.
If you walk out the NE gate of Crossings, and pick up the raw channeling feat, you can run it straight without harnessed mana or camb.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Ressurection
01/16/2013 08:23 PM CST
>>And the infusion help messaging will remind you that the syntax is:
Any reason why this changed?
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Any reason why this changed?
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 01:22 AM CST
And the infusion help messaging will remind you that the syntax is:
INFUSE <spell abbreviation> <# of mana>
At 90th circle it shouldn't be that hard to deal with. At the easiest mana point, the spell uses up 5 mana per pulse. That 5 mana can come from a cambrinth source, harnessed mana, or raw attunement (with the appropriate feat). The easiest to deal with would be cambrinth, and assuming a filled cambrinth orb to start you can keep the spell powered for 5 and a half minutes while you focus your attunement just toward harnessing and infusing mana into the pattern. With the amount of time provided by the cambrinth orb you would be able to infuse 5 mana at a time more than 100 times if needed. At this rate you would have a very hard time depleting mana since mana replenishes quickly when it is low, which means if you needed to spend some mana recharging your orb while still attempting the raise, you would have mana available to do that.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
See that's what I thought, but people kept saying it's infuse <mana> <spell abbrev> so it was confusing me. As for the whole cyclic thing, i'm not worried about that part. I'll figure something out when it comes to actually play with dead bodies. I just need to find a cambrinth orb now.
INFUSE <spell abbreviation> <# of mana>
At 90th circle it shouldn't be that hard to deal with. At the easiest mana point, the spell uses up 5 mana per pulse. That 5 mana can come from a cambrinth source, harnessed mana, or raw attunement (with the appropriate feat). The easiest to deal with would be cambrinth, and assuming a filled cambrinth orb to start you can keep the spell powered for 5 and a half minutes while you focus your attunement just toward harnessing and infusing mana into the pattern. With the amount of time provided by the cambrinth orb you would be able to infuse 5 mana at a time more than 100 times if needed. At this rate you would have a very hard time depleting mana since mana replenishes quickly when it is low, which means if you needed to spend some mana recharging your orb while still attempting the raise, you would have mana available to do that.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
See that's what I thought, but people kept saying it's infuse <mana> <spell abbrev> so it was confusing me. As for the whole cyclic thing, i'm not worried about that part. I'll figure something out when it comes to actually play with dead bodies. I just need to find a cambrinth orb now.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 07:37 AM CST
Out of curiosity, for Cleric spells that require infusion to become more effective (SoL and Rezz really), what does the prep point do? What is the functional difference between a 5 mana Rezz and a 20 mana Rezz?
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 07:55 AM CST
Rezz' prep point is the cap you can infuse.
Prep at 5, you can only infuse 1-5 per go. Prep at 20, you can infuse up to 20 each go.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Prep at 5, you can only infuse 1-5 per go. Prep at 20, you can infuse up to 20 each go.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 06:26 PM CST
ok so I am charging 3 camb items at 32 mana each....prepping res at 30....the camb is running out of mana before I can find the spirit....I think it is pulling 5 mana per pulse from each of the three camb instead of 5 total....cause I am only getting 5 to 6 pulses before the spell fails. Is this intended or a bug? 96 mana held in camb should give me 19 pulses
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 06:31 PM CST
> prepping res at 30
> I think it is pulling 5 mana per pulse from each of the three camb instead of 5 total
If you're prepping at 30, it pulls 30 per pulse. 27 if you have Efficient Channeling.
> I think it is pulling 5 mana per pulse from each of the three camb instead of 5 total
If you're prepping at 30, it pulls 30 per pulse. 27 if you have Efficient Channeling.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 06:36 PM CST
ok....further testing....res doesn't pull from multiple camb with 3 things charged at 32 is draining one, but not touching the other two....and if I am actively infusing the spell....why is it also pulling from the camb anyway? is res intended to require 100's of mana and a constant recharging of camb items? I need upwards of 300 mana to find this spirit...doing that with infusions of 5 mana per means the rejuv and sb wear 30 mana per infuse, camb is drained in 3 pulses.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 06:41 PM CST
> why is it also pulling from the camb anyway?
To fuel it? The point of infusing isn't to fuel a spell.
To fuel it? The point of infusing isn't to fuel a spell.
Re: Ressurection 2
01/17/2013 06:59 PM CST
So, I killed my mage so I could try to get more info on how to use this Resurrection spell. Friend of mine was having difficulties getting her up and so I think you guys have the difficulty of the spell a tad too much. I was even trying to use my cambrinth orb and kept losing the spell before I could find her.
Unless we're doing it wrong? Anyone able to help?
Also, I think there's an issue with rising corpses during Resurrection. I noticed she was standing up and assumed she died where she stood, but then I saw after Evro had infused Resurrection, she was suddenly standing again.
You push Kemosiris's lifeless body over.
> l
[Hilltop Cemetery, Worn Path]
Branches reach out towards you, groping at your clothing. Just beyond the path, misty vapors weave their way between the trees, seeking unknown prey. A worn path bends around from the southwest to southeast. To the northwest, you spot some sort of clearing.
Also here: Evro, Expert Empath Kojae and the body of Phantom Kemosiris who is lying down.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest.
Evro's eyes flare briefly and the blue-white hue intensifies.
The shadowy orb of light hovering near Evro whirls curiously as bolts of liquid silver light arc between it and Evro's hands.
> l
[Hilltop Cemetery, Worn Path]
Branches reach out towards you, groping at your clothing. Just beyond the path, misty vapors weave their way between the trees, seeking unknown prey. A worn path bends around from the southwest to southeast. To the northwest, you spot some sort of clearing.
Also here: Evro, Expert Empath Kojae and the body of Phantom Kemosiris.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest.
Evro's eyes flare briefly and the blue-white hue intensifies.
You say, "Oooh, everytime you infuse, it stands her back up."
You push Kemosiris's lifeless body over.
Unless we're doing it wrong? Anyone able to help?
Also, I think there's an issue with rising corpses during Resurrection. I noticed she was standing up and assumed she died where she stood, but then I saw after Evro had infused Resurrection, she was suddenly standing again.
You push Kemosiris's lifeless body over.
> l
[Hilltop Cemetery, Worn Path]
Branches reach out towards you, groping at your clothing. Just beyond the path, misty vapors weave their way between the trees, seeking unknown prey. A worn path bends around from the southwest to southeast. To the northwest, you spot some sort of clearing.
Also here: Evro, Expert Empath Kojae and the body of Phantom Kemosiris who is lying down.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest.
Evro's eyes flare briefly and the blue-white hue intensifies.
The shadowy orb of light hovering near Evro whirls curiously as bolts of liquid silver light arc between it and Evro's hands.
> l
[Hilltop Cemetery, Worn Path]
Branches reach out towards you, groping at your clothing. Just beyond the path, misty vapors weave their way between the trees, seeking unknown prey. A worn path bends around from the southwest to southeast. To the northwest, you spot some sort of clearing.
Also here: Evro, Expert Empath Kojae and the body of Phantom Kemosiris.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest.
Evro's eyes flare briefly and the blue-white hue intensifies.
You say, "Oooh, everytime you infuse, it stands her back up."
You push Kemosiris's lifeless body over.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 07:08 PM CST
>ok....further testing....res doesn't pull from multiple camb with 3 things charged at 32 is draining one, but not touching the other two....and if I am actively infusing the spell....why is it also pulling from the camb anyway? is res intended to require 100's of mana and a constant recharging of camb items? I need upwards of 300 mana to find this spirit...doing that with infusions of 5 mana per means the rejuv and sb wear 30 mana per infuse, camb is drained in 3 pulses.
What you prep the spell at is what the spell consumes each pulse. The only variable prep amount changes is the max you can infuse ON EACH INFUSION ATTEMPT. If you prep at 30, it's going to consume 30 mana each pulse, and you will be able to infuse 1-30 mana each time you infuse. If you prep at 5, it's going to consume 5 each pulse, and you can infuse 1-5 mana each time you infuse. It's a speed cap for infusing, basically.
Also, note that if someone is killed via soul/spirit damage, they CANNOT BE RAISED, per Ricinus, so if you're using spirit damage to kill your victims, that's a problem.
>So, I killed my mage so I could try to get more info on how to use this Resurrection spell. Friend of mine was having difficulties getting her up and so I think you guys have the difficulty of the spell a tad too much. I was even trying to use my cambrinth orb and kept losing the spell before I could find her.
Need way more details. Were you just prepping and casting, and not infusing? That's what it sounds like. Infusion is where the spell takes fuel for finding souls. The prep/cast portion is simply mana used to maintain the integrity of the spell matrix you're building via infused mana. And if you're losing the orb, you just need to recharge it, or get the raw channeling magic feat.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
What you prep the spell at is what the spell consumes each pulse. The only variable prep amount changes is the max you can infuse ON EACH INFUSION ATTEMPT. If you prep at 30, it's going to consume 30 mana each pulse, and you will be able to infuse 1-30 mana each time you infuse. If you prep at 5, it's going to consume 5 each pulse, and you can infuse 1-5 mana each time you infuse. It's a speed cap for infusing, basically.
Also, note that if someone is killed via soul/spirit damage, they CANNOT BE RAISED, per Ricinus, so if you're using spirit damage to kill your victims, that's a problem.
>So, I killed my mage so I could try to get more info on how to use this Resurrection spell. Friend of mine was having difficulties getting her up and so I think you guys have the difficulty of the spell a tad too much. I was even trying to use my cambrinth orb and kept losing the spell before I could find her.
Need way more details. Were you just prepping and casting, and not infusing? That's what it sounds like. Infusion is where the spell takes fuel for finding souls. The prep/cast portion is simply mana used to maintain the integrity of the spell matrix you're building via infused mana. And if you're losing the orb, you just need to recharge it, or get the raw channeling magic feat.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 07:16 PM CST
>Need way more details.
I've seen your answers and I apologize in advanced but I'd prefer someone else to answer. Thanks for your response tho.
I've seen your answers and I apologize in advanced but I'd prefer someone else to answer. Thanks for your response tho.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 07:18 PM CST
Btw, I know what infuse is and how it works. I'd appreciate you not treating everyone like you assume that they are starting from circle 1.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 09:36 PM CST
You know what, I'm sorry you feel that way. I retract my previous post. I hope someone helps you. Good luck.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 11:01 PM CST
>>I've seen your answers and I apologize in advanced but I'd prefer someone else to answer. Thanks for your response tho.
You asked if you're "doing it wrong" but then you're unwilling to provide the specifics of your procedure. How exactly is anyone supposed to help?
It is odd that she is standing up every time an infusion occurs.
You asked if you're "doing it wrong" but then you're unwilling to provide the specifics of your procedure. How exactly is anyone supposed to help?
It is odd that she is standing up every time an infusion occurs.
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 11:42 PM CST
Is Evro's eyes flashing blue the Infusion pulse or the Rezz pulse?
Re: Ressurection
01/17/2013 11:53 PM CST
Just tested rezz, and it seems to work really well. Easier, in fact, than before, before you can draw mana from either an orb or from your attunement.
I suggest trying again, Prepping rezz at a lower amount to start (I did 10, and have approximately 330 PM). It only took ~40 mana to find a fresh deader, but I don't know their circle.
Just tested rezz, and it seems to work really well. Easier, in fact, than before, before you can draw mana from either an orb or from your attunement.
I suggest trying again, Prepping rezz at a lower amount to start (I did 10, and have approximately 330 PM). It only took ~40 mana to find a fresh deader, but I don't know their circle.
Re: Ressurection
01/18/2013 12:27 AM CST
If it was Azfa, she's circle 14.
Re: Ressurection
01/18/2013 03:39 AM CST
>Is Evro's eyes flashing blue the Infusion pulse or the Rezz pulse?
Yes, that is the messaging for INFUSE for rezz.
But we think we've figured it out.
Appreciate it, everyone!
Yes, that is the messaging for INFUSE for rezz.
But we think we've figured it out.
Appreciate it, everyone!
Re: Ressurection
01/18/2013 03:41 AM CST
>I suggest trying again, Prepping rezz at a lower amount to start (I did 10, and have approximately 330 PM). It only took ~40 mana to find a fresh deader, but I don't know their circle.
Missed this post. >.>
Ah, yeah. That's what I was told too. I haven't tried it yet because I had to go to work, so I'll kill myself off again and retry Friday before release Saturday. Thank you.
Missed this post. >.>
Ah, yeah. That's what I was told too. I haven't tried it yet because I had to go to work, so I'll kill myself off again and retry Friday before release Saturday. Thank you.