So how does Glythtide's Gift work now? This is what I got when I cast it, but I'm at a loss as what to do next. I want my refreshment!
>prep gg 50
That will disrupt about half your current attunement.
You begin chanting a psalm to invoke the Glythtide's Gift spell.
You raise your hand in an imaginary toast to Glythtide.
As the spell dabs at the spirit realm, your mind falters into a fuzzy hallucination. You find yourself in a raucous tavern, with dancing and merriment filling the room. An elderly gentlemen slaps you on the back and pours you a steaming drink from a pitcher, welcoming you to the party. Soon after you imbibe, you find yourself dancing on one of the tables. The crowd of dancers catches you as you trip, but only breaks your fall somewhat. You hit the floor, feeling both wiser and sad that the party is over.
You feel fully rested.
You sense the Glythtide's Gift spell upon you, which will last for about twenty-three roisaen.
>prep gg
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
You begin chanting a psalm to invoke the Glythtide's Gift spell.
You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
You raise your hand in an imaginary toast to Glythtide.
Although hallucinations do not return, the nectar of knowledge nourishes your mind once again.
Re: Glythtide's Gift
11/25/2012 03:21 PM CST
No more drinks. Its a stat booster now. Wis and int I believe.
~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani
"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."
~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani
"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."
Re: Glythtide's Gift
11/25/2012 03:39 PM CST
Oh, the description on made me think it still does, especially since it is still a spell on a scroll:
The Glythtide's Gift spell provides refreshment for the parched, a bit of liquid courage to the cowardly, a drop of sunshine to warm chilly bones, a most efficacious draught to wet the whistles of Bards and Barbarians, chieftains and cutpurses, lords and layabouts, Gnomes and Gor'Togs.
The Glythtide's Gift spell provides refreshment for the parched, a bit of liquid courage to the cowardly, a drop of sunshine to warm chilly bones, a most efficacious draught to wet the whistles of Bards and Barbarians, chieftains and cutpurses, lords and layabouts, Gnomes and Gor'Togs.
Re: Glythtide's Gift
11/25/2012 04:42 PM CST
It does still make drinks depending on how it is cast. I'm away from my notes right now, but IIRC it was "cast drink".
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
Re: Glythtide's Gift
11/25/2012 05:50 PM CST
IMO, I wouldn't go off of the spell descriptions on the tables provided by Socharis. It feels like a good chunk of them are based on old spell descriptions versus new ones.
The rest of the data is generally accurate, though.
When in doubt,
The rest of the data is generally accurate, though.
When in doubt,