At 840 Theurgy I'm not getting past dabbling after doing the following:
cleaning an anloral pin
praying on a pilgrim badge
cleaning an altar
dancing at an altar
praying to a god
Seems off. I think the exp gain should be a little more proportional to the RT investment from all those acts.
Re: Theurgy
11/25/2012 02:41 PM CST
Theurgy is intentionally crap for doing devotion tasks, you're not supposed to learn it from those, you're supposed to learn it via doing communes. They just put in the minor mindstate boost from devotionals so that you don't get entirely shafted filling the devotion pool. You'll also notice you learn a surprising amount of scholarship.
Try doing a kertigen/tamsine/eluned.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Try doing a kertigen/tamsine/eluned.
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Re: Theurgy
11/25/2012 02:45 PM CST
Or Meraud and Truffenyi. BOOM!
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
Re: Theurgy
11/25/2012 07:24 PM CST
> Or Meraud and Truffenyi. BOOM!
Well, I wanted to avoid suggesting the thermonuclear war approach. Meraud's is a nearly 1-shot lock (unless you downtweaked it), and that's just setting a bad example even with the high cost. I never did get to test Truffenyi.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Well, I wanted to avoid suggesting the thermonuclear war approach. Meraud's is a nearly 1-shot lock (unless you downtweaked it), and that's just setting a bad example even with the high cost. I never did get to test Truffenyi.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.