A Silent Option 01/18/2013 04:09 PM CST
So, one of the things that has always irked me about playing a Bard is the massive amount of scroll I create just by keeping an enchante going. I've noticed that this is still true in 3.0 with cyclic enchantes.

Is there any possibility of making a "silent" option for these? I'm perfectly okay with having the spell effect appear in the room description or my character description, I'm just tired of spamming. And I know that not all cyclic spells need to have pulsing room messaging (e.g., Moongate), so it seems mechanically possible.

-- Player of Eyuve
Re: A Silent Option 01/18/2013 04:24 PM CST
If you think our stuff is bad, go into a room with a war mage with fire rain up D:

(p.s. I would love some form of silent, in whatever incarnation I could get it)

~ Leilond
Re: A Silent Option 01/19/2013 08:11 AM CST
I was thinking about this the other day - I think I know how I want to do it too, it's just a matter time and writing yet more messaging.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose