flame shockwave 12/13/2013 02:22 PM CST

Did you decide not to offer it?

I only got the prereqs for it so I could try it out, once I got tc and shockwave it wasn't offered.

Just a thought, I like the way the spells are offered, but if the chart could show all spells and the paths to them that would be nice, all the ones you didn't have the requirements for could be distinguished by being in gray boxes or something similar.
Re: flame shockwave 12/13/2013 02:28 PM CST
Isn't FLame Shockwave a scroll-only spell?
Re: flame shockwave 12/13/2013 03:59 PM CST

- Starlear -
Re: flame shockwave 12/13/2013 04:05 PM CST
>Just a thought, I like the way the spells are offered, but if the chart could show all spells and the paths to them that would be nice, all the ones you didn't have the requirements for could be distinguished by being in gray boxes or something similar.

This chart should still be accurate. I think it might be kind of a nightmare to render this in the front end... WM's have the most straightforward spell tree and it's still a circuit diagram.

Because Necromancers.