khri dropping bug 01/31/2014 11:46 PM CST

Saw this when i was running skulk in town. Notice it seems the skulk comb dropped and then a few seconds later shadow step drops and the skulk combo drops again. Darken and Dampen were both still up and had many min left.

*Your full attunement to the shadows wanes as one of your mental pillars supporting it ceases.*
Your mental focus solidifies, and you feel completely attuned to the shadows around you, even your movement difficult to notice.
Warbrolus nods.
Warbrolus thumbs his nose a few times in Sylvaeus's direction.
Ten platinum Dokoras orbiting your right hand clink softly among themselves, whispering of money-countings past.
Sylvaeus says, "If you ever manage to get them in position you got them pinned."
Traim just arrived, leading his group.
Traim says, "Haha yeah."
You can no longer move so quickly through shadows.
*Your full attunement to the shadows wanes as one of your mental pillars supporting it ceases.*


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF