Prediction 12/18/2013 09:36 AM CST
I put a full pool offense HT prediction on Gort last night when I was trying to break things and even though he has 1k plus HT, and it was a full pool roll with good 5k bones, the prediction was only "flickering" in strength. That's many, many magnitudes below what I would get for a self-prediction on a skill at 1k.

That said, he had eagle up when I used the prediction. Was the stacking cap built into the prediction so that there was no way it would surpass "flickering" while Gort had another ranged buff up? When he dropped eagle, the prediction remained "flickering." I just wanted to post because I have never seen a cap affect the actual mechanical roll of a prediction like that (the capped power showed up in the messaging of the roll as well, not just predict analyze).
Re: Prediction 12/18/2013 09:03 PM CST
I likely forgot to update predict analyze's messaging.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose