Spell Selection Window Broken 12/09/2013 09:14 AM CST
Seems to only be happening with my Moon Mage, on Kssarh. Clicking on the CHOOSE button only sends the spell name, not CHOOSE [spellname] SPELL.
Re: Spell Selection Window Broken 12/09/2013 02:16 PM CST
>>Clicking on the CHOOSE button only sends the spell name, not CHOOSE [spellname] SPELL.

There's a difference between what shows up in your window and what actually gets sent to the game. Unfortunately, that's a core Stormfront bug and not a bug that we can fix. It's the same with the Profile window too, I think.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Spell Selection Window Broken 12/09/2013 04:52 PM CST

Oh, I figured it was on your end of things, since the window worked fine with my Necromancer and Book, and my Empath and Sal.