AE changes 03/04/2014 12:35 AM CST
I changed AE a little tonight. I've reduced the bolt count across the mana ranges since they do the same damage each as a single target spell. I've also made it much harder for the bolts to hit a target that is running frantically away. In cases where you are still hit while running frantically away, they should do a little less damage.

FGM Ricinus
Logistics Lead
Magic, Sentients Team Member
Cleric Advocate
Re: AE changes 03/04/2014 10:33 AM CST
I did a little testing of AE on test, and a 40 mana AE is only producing 1 bolt (the same as a min prep cast). Upping the mana to 100 is producing 4 bolts. The bolts seem to do more damage towards the higher end, but learning seems to be significantly less. Is that just the 3.1 experience paradigm?
Re: AE changes 03/04/2014 04:49 PM CST
>>but learning seems to be significantly less

Probably just the point of having less bolts meaning less exp, since each bolt teaches independently. With the number of bolts that spell used it was probably awarding more exp (and doing way more damage) than we really want for a single spell, so I'm ok with it being less.

FGM Ricinus
Logistics Lead
Magic, Sentients Team Member
Cleric Advocate
Re: AE changes 03/04/2014 07:30 PM CST
I think it's a combination of less bolts teaching, and the experience range being narrowed. It's definitely going to be more challenging learning in 3.1.

In regards to lowering the bolt count, is 40 mana yielding one bolt in line? It seems like the range is 1-4 from min prep to cap. I'd imagine 1-25 would yield 1, 26-50 would yield 2, 51-75 3, and 76+ 4. For putting in almost half the mana for cap and only resulting with one bolt seems kind of low to me.
Re: AE changes 03/04/2014 08:09 PM CST
>>is 40 mana yielding one bolt in line?

There's some random involved, I would guess at 40 mana there would certainly be a chance for more than 1 bolt. I tightened some of the ranges up a bit, though, so hopefully with a couple of casts with various preps the ranges will show up better.

FGM Ricinus
Logistics Lead
Magic, Sentients Team Member
Cleric Advocate