Ask Leader About All 12/09/2013 01:36 AM CST
Sorry for the double post, having one of those derp days. Not sure how big of an issue this really is considering it's probably just for the test server in its present form, but there are few glaringly incorrect reqs here. Examples are:

>>Resurrection. Before you can learn this spell, you must know Aesrela Everild. It will also cost one spell slot.

Don't know if AE is needed as well, but Tallis wouldn't send me on the quest until I had Vigil.

>>Murrula's Flames. Before you can learn this spell, you must be circle 10. It will also cost one spell slot.

Needed Rezz before Father Karjon would start me on it.

>>Fire of Ushnish. Before you can learn this spell, you must be circle 10. It will also cost one spell slot.

Needed FF before I got this one to work

I'm not sure if you left them so vague because they're supposed to be PAFO quest spells, in which case sorry for the (sort of) spoilers. Point being, clearly you need more than circle 10 for them, so perhaps either label them as PAFO or fill in the blanks a bit more, please?
Re: Ask Leader About All 12/09/2013 02:13 PM CST
So, ASK LEADER ABOUT ALL actually uses the exact same mechanics as when you ASK LEADER ABOUT {X} SPELL. It's interesting that they don't match, I'll have to look into that.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.