Eye of Kertigen 12/16/2013 06:25 PM CST
I'm struggling to see the point of this spell. It gives you a free search, apparently with a bonus, but that search doesn't accomplish anything. What's the use?

An aura of light shines around you, pulsing in time with your song.
The magical light briefly illuminates Malhath, giving away his position.
>point malh
I could not find what you were referring to.
Re: Eye of Kertigen 12/16/2013 06:42 PM CST

FGM Ricinus
Logistics Lead
Magic, Sentients Team Member
Cleric Advocate
Re: Eye of Kertigen 12/16/2013 06:47 PM CST
If I had reason to be worried that someone was about, I'd search with DMRS. Faster than waiting for Eye to pulse, and it also stuns.

In Joe terms, knowing is overrated when you can carpet bomb the area. (Funny that they never ended the show on that aesop.)
Re: Eye of Kertigen 12/16/2013 07:50 PM CST
To continue with the military metaphor, the value of knowing is as part of an OODA loop. Even the best information is useless if it comes too late. Eye has a 16 second pulse timer, which can be a long time to wait. If it could get you the information faster, I think it'd be much more useful. Maybe once per pulse, the special search could fire when you're called on to make a perception check.
Re: Eye of Kertigen 01/10/2014 02:21 PM CST
I'd also like to ask that the function of this spell be reconsidered.

I get the "knowing is half the battle" premise, but in terms of actual usefulness, not being able to act against somebody in hiding without an additional 3 second search makes it feel a bit pointless.

For instance, the only scenario I could envision myself using this spell is if I knew I was being chased by somebody stealthy. I can rely on the pulses to hopefully illuminate them if they track me down, or I can just search every so often, have better control on how quickly I'm checking for the person in hiding (compared to timed pulses), plus if/when the person chasing me appears, I'll actually be able to act on them by searching rather than relying on EYE.

Personally, I feel that something along the lines of a dedicated perception boost, a personal light source, or an auto-point feature would make this spell much more desirable (even if that meant extra slot costs).