>>There is no "chart" that says, "Guild X must get the following compensation if a storyline requires one of their abilities to be temporarily lessened or removed."
I never stated there was. The point, which you seem to be missing, is as follows:
The comparison of the loss of the constellations for the Pay Fest, is not valid when compared to the Loss of Magic and Ressurection, which were lost due to enhacments. They were lost for different reasons, ergo the comparision isn't really valid.
>>In addition, everyone else suffered due to lack of ability to perform Predictions.
LOL. I doubt it, but is there a way to compare prediction use on others vs self? I'd wager the numbers are less than staggering. In addition, the loss of constellatoins does not only affect prediction.
Also affected:
Enchanting (In the only form currently).
Astrology learning in general for younger characters is greatly hampered (although not completly impossible).
>> Your guild played a central role in a game-wide storyline. You suffered, very briefly, for the betterment of roleplayers everywhere.
I would appreciate it if you would not try to trivialize the loss mulitple systems for a single guild just for a loose IC connection to an OOC event so that a pay festival may be rolled out.
-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 02:56 PM CDT
I'd much rather there be a REASON for a festival (even a pay one) rather than it just popping up for no real reason. I like that there was a story behind it, and events, and etc.
Those of you who are really upset about the pay fest need to really just calm down. What's the point in being upset? It's done and over with, and while you perhaps didn't enjoy it, you don't speak for everyone.
I think it's awesome that the game is dynamic and changing and not always static and plain. Not having the constellations was a great impetus for roleplay. Who cares if you couldn't boost your skills via prediction for a little while? Roleplay vs. roll play. Have fun. :-D
Those of you who are really upset about the pay fest need to really just calm down. What's the point in being upset? It's done and over with, and while you perhaps didn't enjoy it, you don't speak for everyone.
I think it's awesome that the game is dynamic and changing and not always static and plain. Not having the constellations was a great impetus for roleplay. Who cares if you couldn't boost your skills via prediction for a little while? Roleplay vs. roll play. Have fun. :-D
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:03 PM CDT
Not that I really want to stir this anymore (I've given up on getting my point across on this issue) but prediction was barely effected by this at all.
Enchanting (And SLS) were the ones that suffered badly, given stars only come out every three months so it basically blocked an entire season of stars meaning another three month wait for them to roll back around.
Enchanting (And SLS) were the ones that suffered badly, given stars only come out every three months so it basically blocked an entire season of stars meaning another three month wait for them to roll back around.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:19 PM CDT
>>There is no "chart" that says, "Guild X must get the following compensation if a storyline requires one of their abilities to be temporarily lessened or removed."
>>I never stated there was. The point, which you seem to be missing, is as follows:
>>The comparison of the loss of the constellations for the Pay Fest, is not valid when compared to the Loss of Magic and Ressurection, which were lost due to enhacments. They were lost for different reasons, ergo the comparision isn't really valid.
The point that you seem to be missing. is that there was an enhancement. It was to your RP.
>>I never stated there was. The point, which you seem to be missing, is as follows:
>>The comparison of the loss of the constellations for the Pay Fest, is not valid when compared to the Loss of Magic and Ressurection, which were lost due to enhacments. They were lost for different reasons, ergo the comparision isn't really valid.
The point that you seem to be missing. is that there was an enhancement. It was to your RP.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:26 PM CDT
<<I would appreciate it if you would not try to trivialize the loss mulitple systems for a single guild just for a loose IC connection to an OOC event so that a pay festival may be rolled out.>>
Likewise, I think we can avoid making a mountain out of the year-old molehill that was a month of minor-at-best inconvenience.
Fight me:
Likewise, I think we can avoid making a mountain out of the year-old molehill that was a month of minor-at-best inconvenience.
Fight me:
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:29 PM CDT
>>a month of minor-at-best inconvenience.
Except you've already had posters pointing out the impact was longer than a month.
-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
Except you've already had posters pointing out the impact was longer than a month.
-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:31 PM CDT
<<Except you've already had posters pointing out the impact was longer than a month.>>
And it was still a year ago and it was still minor in the grand scheme of things.
Fight me:
And it was still a year ago and it was still minor in the grand scheme of things.
Fight me:
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:37 PM CDT
>>And it was still a year ago
I'll grant you that. I just don't like arguments presented when there are clear facts that dispute key points.
>>and it was still minor in the grand scheme of things.
I disagree but, that boils down to opinion. I'm not a big fan of
1. IC festivals based on OOC events. Regardless of the created lore.
2. Pay festivals in general.
3. Removal of access to any system for the sole purpose of an RP storyline.
-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
I'll grant you that. I just don't like arguments presented when there are clear facts that dispute key points.
>>and it was still minor in the grand scheme of things.
I disagree but, that boils down to opinion. I'm not a big fan of
1. IC festivals based on OOC events. Regardless of the created lore.
2. Pay festivals in general.
3. Removal of access to any system for the sole purpose of an RP storyline.
-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 03:37 PM CDT
It's not like MMs don't also get beneficial things tied in with events at times. The Temple Beacon seems like a pretty handy perk.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 05:53 PM CDT
It isn't that we lost something in the name of arr-pee. Even something as big as access to an important mechanic for Moon Mages.
It's this:
>> I would appreciate it if you would not try to trivialize the loss mulitple systems for a single guild just for a loose IC connection to an OOC event so that a pay festival may be rolled out.
I highlighted the important bits since people seem to have trouble with it. And trying to compare it to necessities like shutting magic off for a little bit because the system was being updated or rewriting the Resurrection spell is ridiculous. The reasoning behind them was totally different. They were necessary, for one; this was not.
And you still haven't answered us regarding whether or not you'll be doing it again this year. I am kind of sick of moonies receiving the brunt of these "pidgeon me"-esque nods to real-life holidays, but I could deal with ignoring the occasional piece of sky graffiti; I can't ignore the entire sky going black and blocking me out of the majority of two systems plus one spell.
Pick another guild's system to abuse annually in the name of an OOC holiday and a pay festival.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
It's this:
>> I would appreciate it if you would not try to trivialize the loss mulitple systems for a single guild just for a loose IC connection to an OOC event so that a pay festival may be rolled out.
I highlighted the important bits since people seem to have trouble with it. And trying to compare it to necessities like shutting magic off for a little bit because the system was being updated or rewriting the Resurrection spell is ridiculous. The reasoning behind them was totally different. They were necessary, for one; this was not.
And you still haven't answered us regarding whether or not you'll be doing it again this year. I am kind of sick of moonies receiving the brunt of these "pidgeon me"-esque nods to real-life holidays, but I could deal with ignoring the occasional piece of sky graffiti; I can't ignore the entire sky going black and blocking me out of the majority of two systems plus one spell.
Pick another guild's system to abuse annually in the name of an OOC holiday and a pay festival.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 05:57 PM CDT
<<3. Removal of access to any system for the sole purpose of an RP storyline.>>
if you really want to compare, when the crossing temple <original> was removed from the game during the gorbesh war, it was gone for a lot more than 3 months. for a long time people had to depart to leth deriel, and thus had to take a ferry back to crossing. <including thieves - this was pre -5th passage>. So in the relative scheme of things, it was minor for the stars to be gone for one season.
The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 06:45 PM CDT
>This is some impressive QQ.
Eh, I've seen better.
I don't really agree that everyone suffered*, but I don't mind a little suffering for RP - it helps make things memorable.
Now rezz, on the other hand.. yeah everyone did suffer there. Some of the clerics actually enjoyed that period, heh.
Speaking of magic being turned off, that actually had a large impact on TF. A few people rolled up bards and enjoyed a significant advantage due to enchantes still working. Then magic got turned back on and the bards got owned. And then they learned to scream and they could dominate again, but there's only one left. Good times.
* I've literally never been asked for a prediction, in prime or TF.
Eh, I've seen better.
I don't really agree that everyone suffered*, but I don't mind a little suffering for RP - it helps make things memorable.
Now rezz, on the other hand.. yeah everyone did suffer there. Some of the clerics actually enjoyed that period, heh.
Speaking of magic being turned off, that actually had a large impact on TF. A few people rolled up bards and enjoyed a significant advantage due to enchantes still working. Then magic got turned back on and the bards got owned. And then they learned to scream and they could dominate again, but there's only one left. Good times.
* I've literally never been asked for a prediction, in prime or TF.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 07:32 PM CDT
>>>What enhancements did MMs get for dealing with the loss of constellations?
>>The whole game was enhanced...
...with? New rare fragment drops? A dwindling supply of ammunition? Huh? This sounds like rabid insanity talk.
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
>>The whole game was enhanced...
...with? New rare fragment drops? A dwindling supply of ammunition? Huh? This sounds like rabid insanity talk.
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 07:38 PM CDT
I stopped having a dog in this fight a long time ago, wasn't worth the effort, but I was reading old posts and had to share these two quotes together...
"<<The worst part is it's inspired by WoW.>>
No, it's not.
"Being a big fan of WoW's "in-genre-fication" of holidays, with good storylines and events that tied them in, I sat down last year with several staff members and we discussed ways to bring this to life in DR, starting with Chris' Mass, which will be a regularly occurring event with a theme of giving and sharing, tied to The Mass's appearance in the sky."
"<<The worst part is it's inspired by WoW.>>
No, it's not.
"Being a big fan of WoW's "in-genre-fication" of holidays, with good storylines and events that tied them in, I sat down last year with several staff members and we discussed ways to bring this to life in DR, starting with Chris' Mass, which will be a regularly occurring event with a theme of giving and sharing, tied to The Mass's appearance in the sky."
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 08:04 PM CDT
>I'll grant you that. I just don't like arguments presented when there are clear facts that dispute key points.
You don't grant Soloman anything; he grants you digital life.
You don't grant Soloman anything; he grants you digital life.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 08:06 PM CDT
If this was the WoW forums someone would start screaming about how they grant him $15 a month, but since this is DR it's (usually) a lot more then that :P
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 08:12 PM CDT
>You don't grant Soloman anything; he grants you digital life.
That is not Solomon's role at Simutronics at all.
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
That is not Solomon's role at Simutronics at all.
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Fourth of July ::NUDGE::
07/04/2009 09:46 PM CDT
Reminder: Keep it constructive.
Senior Board Monitor
If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing Senior Board Monitor DR-Annwyl@play.net, or Message Board Supervisor DR-Cecco@play.net.
Re: Fourth of July
07/04/2009 11:25 PM CDT
<<"Being a big fan of WoW's "in-genre-fication" of holidays, with good storylines and events that tied them in, I sat down last year with several staff members and we discussed ways to bring this to life in DR, starting with Chris' Mass, which will be a regularly occurring event with a theme of giving and sharing, tied to The Mass's appearance in the sky." >>
We've had GMs making in-game "stuff" for OOC holidays since long before WoW was around.
The only thing WoW did was get the masses accepting the idea that it was possible to combine the two, although GemStone was doing that before WoW was around, too.
So if you stretch it, then sure, WoW is (sort of) "responsible", but I'm would not say they "inspired" any of the individual holidays, which is what I took from the original comment.
Fight me:
We've had GMs making in-game "stuff" for OOC holidays since long before WoW was around.
The only thing WoW did was get the masses accepting the idea that it was possible to combine the two, although GemStone was doing that before WoW was around, too.
So if you stretch it, then sure, WoW is (sort of) "responsible", but I'm would not say they "inspired" any of the individual holidays, which is what I took from the original comment.
Fight me:
Re: Fourth of July
07/05/2009 10:58 AM CDT
>The only thing WoW did was get the masses accepting the idea that it was possible to combine the two, although GemStone was doing that before WoW was around, too.
FFXI (which is a few years older than WoW) did events for major RL holidays with IG explanations full of bad puns as well.
WoW, in general, is given credit for a lot of things that are in no way new to WoW. A lot of their players seem to think that there had never been an MMO before it.
FFXI (which is a few years older than WoW) did events for major RL holidays with IG explanations full of bad puns as well.
WoW, in general, is given credit for a lot of things that are in no way new to WoW. A lot of their players seem to think that there had never been an MMO before it.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 10:01 AM CDT
Some of you guys need to focus on the "having fun" aspect of this computer game rather than the deconstruction and justification of every word that appears in your Digital RP Box.
-Mr. Glemm
-Mr. Glemm
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 02:26 PM CDT
"Some of you guys need to focus on the "having fun" aspect of this computer game rather than the deconstruction and justification of every word that appears in your Digital RP Box."
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 04:10 PM CDT
I have fun by ignoring the things about the game that bother me.
Unfortunately, that's not always possible, and here we are.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
Unfortunately, that's not always possible, and here we are.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 04:15 PM CDT
>Some of you guys need to focus on the "having fun" aspect of this computer game rather than the deconstruction and justification of every word that appears in your Digital RP Box.
Or maybe some of us are a bit concerned about the integrity of a rich, carefully-sculpted fantasy universe when it gets compromised like this?
I think gamers deserve a choice. If I didn't really care about a pure, unadulterated RP environment, who knows, maybe I'd play WoW. But I DO care. So, short of getting into pencil-and-paper RPGs, what's my option? I would like the answer to be DragonRealms.
Aveda's Field Guide- http://dr.aveda.googlepages.com
Or maybe some of us are a bit concerned about the integrity of a rich, carefully-sculpted fantasy universe when it gets compromised like this?
I think gamers deserve a choice. If I didn't really care about a pure, unadulterated RP environment, who knows, maybe I'd play WoW. But I DO care. So, short of getting into pencil-and-paper RPGs, what's my option? I would like the answer to be DragonRealms.
Aveda's Field Guide- http://dr.aveda.googlepages.com
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 04:41 PM CDT
>I think gamers deserve a choice. If I didn't really care about a pure, unadulterated RP environment, who knows, maybe I'd play WoW. But I DO care. So, short of getting into pencil-and-paper RPGs, what's my option? I would like the answer to be DragonRealms.
DR: Platinum
DR: The Fallen
Most people are unwilling to actually choose the server they'd prefer because they don't want to play with fewer people or lose their progress. But there really is a choice.
DR: Platinum
DR: The Fallen
Most people are unwilling to actually choose the server they'd prefer because they don't want to play with fewer people or lose their progress. But there really is a choice.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 04:42 PM CDT
I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me (not just furiously handwave and insist) that Plat is a better choice for RP.
If I wanted to play a single-player game most of the time after all I'd just go play TF.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
If I wanted to play a single-player game most of the time after all I'd just go play TF.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 05:10 PM CDT
I know there are different DR servers to accommodate varying levels of role play on the players' end, but didn't the Christmas and Holloween and other RL events happen in Plat, too? That's what I meant about an unadulterated RP environment. One purely of its own universe without blatant references to Planet Earth for the sake of some loose RL holiday fun.
Aveda's Field Guide- http://dr.aveda.googlepages.com
I know there are different DR servers to accommodate varying levels of role play on the players' end, but didn't the Christmas and Holloween and other RL events happen in Plat, too? That's what I meant about an unadulterated RP environment. One purely of its own universe without blatant references to Planet Earth for the sake of some loose RL holiday fun.
Aveda's Field Guide- http://dr.aveda.googlepages.com
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 05:51 PM CDT
<<One purely of its own universe without blatant references to Planet Earth for the sake of some loose RL holiday fun.>>
But yet enough references to planet Earth to have katanas and the color burgundy and stuff like that?
Fight me:
But yet enough references to planet Earth to have katanas and the color burgundy and stuff like that?
Fight me:
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 06:00 PM CDT
I'm not a big fan of katanas, kimonos, and other things clearly introduced to the game by asiaphiles.
I suppose I understand the ANIMU/JAPANIME!!!! appeal for people like that, but yeah, it is slightly jarring. Do I whine about it? No. Do I viciously mock buddies that wear a kimono and talk about wanting a katana for being weeaboos? Oh yeah.
More obscure stuff like burgundy, champagne, chartreuse etc I deal with just because their origins are fairly obfuscated for your average person, and because at the end of the day the medium we're communicating in is English and it's impossible to police every single loanword and chase down every distant RL reference.
But saying because we have burgundy and champagne so it's okay if we have Christmas and the Easter bunny is extrapolating to the point of silliness.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
I suppose I understand the ANIMU/JAPANIME!!!! appeal for people like that, but yeah, it is slightly jarring. Do I whine about it? No. Do I viciously mock buddies that wear a kimono and talk about wanting a katana for being weeaboos? Oh yeah.
More obscure stuff like burgundy, champagne, chartreuse etc I deal with just because their origins are fairly obfuscated for your average person, and because at the end of the day the medium we're communicating in is English and it's impossible to police every single loanword and chase down every distant RL reference.
But saying because we have burgundy and champagne so it's okay if we have Christmas and the Easter bunny is extrapolating to the point of silliness.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 06:18 PM CDT
>Yeah, what she said.
I can dig it. We dislike blatant disruptions of our immersion. Katana, scimitar, that's just another name for sword to us now. The meaning of Christmas goes so much further. I don't care to see it in game, but I realize this is your IP. My character will continue to operate within the framework of the lore as always. Just be aware that you drive me to drink when you force Chainsaw Laserman to change his name and then turn around to open a Halloween themed festival.
~Innocence lost, ignorance slain.
I'm a self-loathing narcissist. It's a love-hate relationship.
I can dig it. We dislike blatant disruptions of our immersion. Katana, scimitar, that's just another name for sword to us now. The meaning of Christmas goes so much further. I don't care to see it in game, but I realize this is your IP. My character will continue to operate within the framework of the lore as always. Just be aware that you drive me to drink when you force Chainsaw Laserman to change his name and then turn around to open a Halloween themed festival.
~Innocence lost, ignorance slain.
I'm a self-loathing narcissist. It's a love-hate relationship.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 07:01 PM CDT
also, keep in mind many of us like the "fantasy world" aspect of DR, if I want to see RL holidays i'm totally immersed in it at work <as many who work retail can attest> , and want to ignore all that when I play DR.
The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 07:11 PM CDT
>... rather than the deconstruction and justification of every word that appears in your Digital RP Box.
When the RP box is filled only with words, I think those words ought to be given sufficient gravity. It's the game's colour palette and rendering engine.
Some of these punny sky elements are the text equivalent of an obvious palette swap monster or a clipping animation. There could just be more craft.
>But yet enough references to planet Earth to have katanas and the color burgundy and stuff like that?
I find making katana an English plural to be jarring, because I am a language snob and incredibly pretentious.
But I cry a single tear that you still don't appreciate the vast working difference between burgundy and Andalusia.
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
When the RP box is filled only with words, I think those words ought to be given sufficient gravity. It's the game's colour palette and rendering engine.
Some of these punny sky elements are the text equivalent of an obvious palette swap monster or a clipping animation. There could just be more craft.
>But yet enough references to planet Earth to have katanas and the color burgundy and stuff like that?
I find making katana an English plural to be jarring, because I am a language snob and incredibly pretentious.
But I cry a single tear that you still don't appreciate the vast working difference between burgundy and Andalusia.
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 07:31 PM CDT
>I'm not a big fan of katanas, kimonos, and other things clearly introduced to the game by asiaphiles.
We should also remove broadswords, platemail, and all that crap clearly introduced to the game by those Europhiles, too.
We should also remove broadswords, platemail, and all that crap clearly introduced to the game by those Europhiles, too.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 07:42 PM CDT
<<Just be aware that you drive me to drink when you force Chainsaw Laserman to change his name and then turn around to open a Halloween themed festival.>>
Drink up.
All I'll say is that I had hair when I started this job.
At least this discussion is going on in the right category and topic.
Small victories, I guess.
Fight me:
Drink up.
All I'll say is that I had hair when I started this job.
At least this discussion is going on in the right category and topic.
Small victories, I guess.
Fight me:
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 07:59 PM CDT
But here is the thing I don't understand: With one hand, you (the collective you of GMs and game developers/producers) strive so hard to make a coherent, logical framework within the constraints of the game's lore, setting, and genre, while blindly removing that same coherency with the other.
The amusing bit I keep bringing up that keeps being ignored is that I could swallow/ignore/silently curse the negative impact these things have on the setting, only that I refuse to swallow the negative impact on my gameplay at the same time.
But at the end of the day it's your game and you can do whatever you like with it. We're just players; the best we can do is vote with our credit cards. Which is why I will probably cancel all of my DR accounts for a month if the sky disappears again, and go play WoW for awhile instead.
Small victories, I guess.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
The amusing bit I keep bringing up that keeps being ignored is that I could swallow/ignore/silently curse the negative impact these things have on the setting, only that I refuse to swallow the negative impact on my gameplay at the same time.
But at the end of the day it's your game and you can do whatever you like with it. We're just players; the best we can do is vote with our credit cards. Which is why I will probably cancel all of my DR accounts for a month if the sky disappears again, and go play WoW for awhile instead.
Small victories, I guess.
Rev. Reene
Devan: ... I thought you already were.
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 08:17 PM CDT
>>If I wanted to play a single-player game most of the time after all I'd just go play TF.<<
This is exactly why I play TF. I don't enjoy interacting with IG characters most of the time, so TF is perfect for me. Even in prime I treat DR as a single player game and strive to be self-reliant.
If it helps, just think of yourself as the fluorescent light in the buglamp of life.
- GM Dartenian
This is exactly why I play TF. I don't enjoy interacting with IG characters most of the time, so TF is perfect for me. Even in prime I treat DR as a single player game and strive to be self-reliant.
If it helps, just think of yourself as the fluorescent light in the buglamp of life.
- GM Dartenian
Re: Fourth of July
07/06/2009 08:22 PM CDT
I don't understand why real life holidays and such can't be turned into an IG event? Create the lore and the story line, toss out a fest, throw in a few new releases to coincide with it and everyone has a good time, yes? It kind of reminds me of Piers Anthony's Xanth series, the way some of the words get twisted to mirror RL. I kind of enjoy the creativity that the GM's put on display with these things. But then again, I don't immerse myself in the RP either. I'm kind of a fringe player, so I take everything with a grain of salt and enjoy it for what it is. A game.
If it helps, just think of yourself as the fluorescent light in the buglamp of life.
- GM Dartenian
If it helps, just think of yourself as the fluorescent light in the buglamp of life.
- GM Dartenian