So like many people I've recently brought my account live again, I played for a few days in relative peace adjusting to the changes in the realm. Until, I ran into a problem. A game mechanic robbed me of my gweth(which costed me half my savings), one that is even enforced by the rules. In the decade I have played dragonrealms off and on I have never run across a game mechanic which simply forced me to question the motives of the developers. While I may not like changes, they were necessary in some way or critical to ensure someone elses enjoyment. Until Gwethsmashers, I had not seen a game mechanic which allowed one person to simply destroy what another had for no other reason but boredom. Thieves when they steal, steal for financial gain and experience. Even unwarranted killing was governed in the consent system, but gwethsmashers are not only made to be unfair and biased but the rules reguarding them simply tell younger players or less wealthy players, we don't care about you or your investment in our game. Simply put you've devised a snert toy, one with which they can easily disrupt the flow of someone elses game without reason, remorse, or repercussions. In fact it was so disturbing to me that I am considering close my account back up.
I was always told not to complain without first coming up with a solution, so here are a few options I've drummed up.
First, remove them from the game entirely, there isn't really a benefit to having them other than to cause disputes and grief.
Second, if you won't do that revise the system so that the player has to input a reason for smashing the gweth (I.E: Out of Character conversations, inappropriate language... not he upset me, or I didn't like what they had to say) if the players reason for smashing the gweth isn't within the bounds and limitations you create for the system, then some action should be taken and the victim of the smashers gweth should be returned.
Third, create a registration system in which only mentors and players with proven motivations are the only ones able to purchase and use them.
Fourth, move the system to the fallen and allow them to have fun with it... if i wanted to be harassed i would have that subscription.
Bottom line, you've created a system without considering that it might discourage your younger population base; While it may amuse the people who've been around forever to be able to pay to crush someone elses properly, it simply doesn't add anything useful or beneficial to elanthia.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 01:18 PM CST
<waves his wand of mega mega awesome>
mega GM mega double triple board monitor ninja move move to equine cemetary mega ninja vanish attack wauuuuuuu!!!
no words were harmed in the making of this post.
hey, how bout I crosspost it for you then respond?
It'sa mea, a Kruglero
mega GM mega double triple board monitor ninja move move to equine cemetary mega ninja vanish attack wauuuuuuu!!!
no words were harmed in the making of this post.
hey, how bout I crosspost it for you then respond?
It'sa mea, a Kruglero
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 01:39 PM CST
We get posts like this about gwethsmashers every so often and it always comes down to the same thing. You're unwilling to take responsibility for your actions. You're unwilling to accept that somebody may take offense to something you're doing or saying. You want to be completely immune from the self-policing that any community should have.
When you gweth you are forcing words into the thought window of potentially hundreds of players and the minds of every character attached to those players. What in the world makes you think there should be no in-game player-driven way to moderate something so far-reaching and so invasive?
And don't tell me to take off my gweths, I shouldn't have to remove myself from a source of conversation and information PLUS cost myself money by wasting a charge because YOU are being an idiot. I will instead take out the gwethsmashers I keep handy and destroy your gweths in hopes that you'll learn to be more cautious in the future.
Unfortunately with self-policing comes the potential for abuse. I can gwethsmash someone for any reason, at any time. I can do it because I don't like them, because they've insulted me or slighted me, or I can do it just to get a rise out of them. This is a negative consequence of self-policing. You may get bullied for no reason. This is why there's a harassment policy. I can smash you once for no reason. I can't continue to do it. And you have consent on me if I do it anyway.
So yes, you may be targeted for no reason. It's doubtful though, given smashers have a 24 hour cooldown and the person basically blew 10 plat by smashing you. More likely you THINK it was for no reason and you're wrong. Go earn more money, buy new gweths, and be more careful in the future. Remember who wronged you and avoid them or seek to punish them somehow. Take some responsibility for your actions and accept that there won't always be someone there to hold your hand and protect you from the big meanies.
DR shouldn't be a nanny state. The GMs are at long last making changes to the game that indicate they agree. They're letting us do more to handle things ourselves as a community, which results in a stronger community AND gives them more time to do other things. The number of people like you who seem to think this is a bad thing absolutely baffles me.
When you gweth you are forcing words into the thought window of potentially hundreds of players and the minds of every character attached to those players. What in the world makes you think there should be no in-game player-driven way to moderate something so far-reaching and so invasive?
And don't tell me to take off my gweths, I shouldn't have to remove myself from a source of conversation and information PLUS cost myself money by wasting a charge because YOU are being an idiot. I will instead take out the gwethsmashers I keep handy and destroy your gweths in hopes that you'll learn to be more cautious in the future.
Unfortunately with self-policing comes the potential for abuse. I can gwethsmash someone for any reason, at any time. I can do it because I don't like them, because they've insulted me or slighted me, or I can do it just to get a rise out of them. This is a negative consequence of self-policing. You may get bullied for no reason. This is why there's a harassment policy. I can smash you once for no reason. I can't continue to do it. And you have consent on me if I do it anyway.
So yes, you may be targeted for no reason. It's doubtful though, given smashers have a 24 hour cooldown and the person basically blew 10 plat by smashing you. More likely you THINK it was for no reason and you're wrong. Go earn more money, buy new gweths, and be more careful in the future. Remember who wronged you and avoid them or seek to punish them somehow. Take some responsibility for your actions and accept that there won't always be someone there to hold your hand and protect you from the big meanies.
DR shouldn't be a nanny state. The GMs are at long last making changes to the game that indicate they agree. They're letting us do more to handle things ourselves as a community, which results in a stronger community AND gives them more time to do other things. The number of people like you who seem to think this is a bad thing absolutely baffles me.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy) in Complaints
01/29/2009 01:48 PM CST
>So like many people I've recently brought my account live again, I played for a few days in relative peace adjusting to the changes in the realm. Until, I ran into a problem. A game mechanic robbed me of my gweth(which costed me half my savings), one that is even enforced by the rules.
Sounds like you got smashed. Lessee what else is going on here.
>In the decade I have played dragonrealms off and on I have never run across a game mechanic which simply forced me to question the motives of the developers.
>While I may not like changes, they were necessary in some way or critical to ensure someone elses enjoyment. Until Gwethsmashers, I had not seen a game mechanic which allowed one person to simply destroy what another had for no other reason but boredom.
yeah I can imagine you don't hang out in the graveyard. This would explain how you've never seen someone use DO or CRS to destroy someone's altered combat armor. Moving on!
>Thieves when they steal, steal for financial gain and experience. Even unwarranted killing was governed in the consent system, but gwethsmashers are not only made to be unfair and biased but the rules reguarding them simply tell younger players or less wealthy players, we don't care about you or your investment in our game.
Things should be easy on newbs. I agree completely. That would totally make up for the time I spent spit poor saving up for Haven Leathers. This makes sense. But in a way yes, you've stumbled on a pearl. They are a great way to tell someone you don't care what they think.
>Simply put you've devised a snert toy, one with which they can easily disrupt the flow of someone elses game without reason, remorse, or repercussions.
there is always a reason.
>In fact it was so disturbing to me that I am considering close my account back up.
see, this is what happens when you have those giant blocks of text. Proofread not so good.
>I was always told not to complain without first coming up with a solution, so here are a few options I've drummed up.
>First, remove them from the game entirely, there isn't really a benefit to having them other than to cause disputes and grief.
and knocking OOC off the gweth, smashing people saying stupid things, slandering your character, speaking mistruths, etc.
>Second, if you won't do that revise the system so that the player has to input a reason for smashing the gweth (I.E: Out of Character conversations, inappropriate language... not he upset me, or I didn't like what they had to say) if the players reason for smashing the gweth isn't within the bounds and limitations you create for the system, then some action should be taken and the victim of the smashers gweth should be returned.
and we can hire you to be the mega gweth police, reading though all the gweth conversation and determining what was right and wrong and handing out new gweths to those 'unjustly smashed' in a cheeky yet cleverly IC manner.
>Third, create a registration system in which only mentors and players with proven motivations are the only ones able to purchase and use them.
would you like me to become a premium subscriber perhaps? would that vouch for my good will?
>Fourth, move the system to the fallen and allow them to have fun with it... if i wanted to be harassed i would have that subscription.
I'm not sure I can say anything that would top the sheer win of this statement here.
>Bottom line, you've created a system without considering that it might discourage your younger population base;
we has? Discourage younger players from what? By younger do you mean OOC players?
>While it may amuse the people who've been around forever to be able to pay to crush someone elses properly, it simply doesn't add anything useful or beneficial to elanthia.
Gweths and Gwethsmashers are both player made and price regulated. My character didn't come out of the CM and go buy hundreds of plat worth the gear. After reading this, it sounds like your having more of a problem with the price of gweths than the fact someone is blasting them off you. That little bit in parenthesis waaaay up at the top there.
It'sa mea, a Kruglero
Sounds like you got smashed. Lessee what else is going on here.
>In the decade I have played dragonrealms off and on I have never run across a game mechanic which simply forced me to question the motives of the developers.
>While I may not like changes, they were necessary in some way or critical to ensure someone elses enjoyment. Until Gwethsmashers, I had not seen a game mechanic which allowed one person to simply destroy what another had for no other reason but boredom.
yeah I can imagine you don't hang out in the graveyard. This would explain how you've never seen someone use DO or CRS to destroy someone's altered combat armor. Moving on!
>Thieves when they steal, steal for financial gain and experience. Even unwarranted killing was governed in the consent system, but gwethsmashers are not only made to be unfair and biased but the rules reguarding them simply tell younger players or less wealthy players, we don't care about you or your investment in our game.
Things should be easy on newbs. I agree completely. That would totally make up for the time I spent spit poor saving up for Haven Leathers. This makes sense. But in a way yes, you've stumbled on a pearl. They are a great way to tell someone you don't care what they think.
>Simply put you've devised a snert toy, one with which they can easily disrupt the flow of someone elses game without reason, remorse, or repercussions.
there is always a reason.
>In fact it was so disturbing to me that I am considering close my account back up.
see, this is what happens when you have those giant blocks of text. Proofread not so good.
>I was always told not to complain without first coming up with a solution, so here are a few options I've drummed up.
>First, remove them from the game entirely, there isn't really a benefit to having them other than to cause disputes and grief.
and knocking OOC off the gweth, smashing people saying stupid things, slandering your character, speaking mistruths, etc.
>Second, if you won't do that revise the system so that the player has to input a reason for smashing the gweth (I.E: Out of Character conversations, inappropriate language... not he upset me, or I didn't like what they had to say) if the players reason for smashing the gweth isn't within the bounds and limitations you create for the system, then some action should be taken and the victim of the smashers gweth should be returned.
and we can hire you to be the mega gweth police, reading though all the gweth conversation and determining what was right and wrong and handing out new gweths to those 'unjustly smashed' in a cheeky yet cleverly IC manner.
>Third, create a registration system in which only mentors and players with proven motivations are the only ones able to purchase and use them.
would you like me to become a premium subscriber perhaps? would that vouch for my good will?
>Fourth, move the system to the fallen and allow them to have fun with it... if i wanted to be harassed i would have that subscription.
I'm not sure I can say anything that would top the sheer win of this statement here.
>Bottom line, you've created a system without considering that it might discourage your younger population base;
we has? Discourage younger players from what? By younger do you mean OOC players?
>While it may amuse the people who've been around forever to be able to pay to crush someone elses properly, it simply doesn't add anything useful or beneficial to elanthia.
Gweths and Gwethsmashers are both player made and price regulated. My character didn't come out of the CM and go buy hundreds of plat worth the gear. After reading this, it sounds like your having more of a problem with the price of gweths than the fact someone is blasting them off you. That little bit in parenthesis waaaay up at the top there.
It'sa mea, a Kruglero
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 01:51 PM CST
I'm guessing it was ... * hugs *
Or maybe "I've been sleeping for about four years! When did the gods change the boxie system???"
Or possibly "Hi Fluffymeowkiss!! What is the name of your new pidgeoenane? I don't see him perched up where he used to be!!!"
Gwethsmashers have made the gweths tolerable again. None of my characters used gweths until gwethsmashers were released. For every person flipping out about gwethsmashing, I'm willing to wager there are two who are finally able to use the gweths without constantly nerdraging.
-- Player of Szrael --
Or maybe "I've been sleeping for about four years! When did the gods change the boxie system???"
Or possibly "Hi Fluffymeowkiss!! What is the name of your new pidgeoenane? I don't see him perched up where he used to be!!!"
Gwethsmashers have made the gweths tolerable again. None of my characters used gweths until gwethsmashers were released. For every person flipping out about gwethsmashing, I'm willing to wager there are two who are finally able to use the gweths without constantly nerdraging.
-- Player of Szrael --
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 01:54 PM CST
I suggest finding the person and asking them politely why they smashed you. I smash people for a reason and I'm not afraid to tell them exactly why it is. 95% of the time it's because they're being blatantly OOC on the gweth, occasionally it's to break the 40 minutes of someone saying hello to every single person on the gweth they've ever seen in game and the other 4 or 5% of the time it's to make Kyodan stop having a hissy fit. I generally don't do it just to be a bully or because I can.
Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 02:04 PM CST
Moved to the equine cemetary in 3...2...1...
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 06:55 PM CST
Bah...even I am finding it tiresome
"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 07:05 PM CST
>Bah...even I am finding it tiresome
Wow, then it's over folks. Heh.
Wow, then it's over folks. Heh.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/29/2009 08:02 PM CST
<<Until Gwethsmashers, I had not seen a game mechanic which allowed one person to simply destroy what another had for no other reason but boredom.>>
Gwethsmashers have been around a lot longer than you think. They just weren't able to be produced by moon mages. So now you see a lot more people self policing the gweth.
I like some of your ideas and don't think some others you suggested could be worth while for the game as a whole.
<<First, remove them from the game entirely, there isn't really a benefit to having them other than to cause disputes and grief.>>
I don't think that would add anything beneficial to the game to remove them. Self policing has its benefits as Seb already pointed out.
<<Second, if you won't do that revise the system so that the player has to input a reason for smashing the gweth (I.E: Out of Character conversations, inappropriate language... not he upset me, or I didn't like what they had to say) if the players reason for smashing the gweth isn't within the bounds and limitations you create for the system, then some action should be taken and the victim of the smashers gweth should be returned.>>
I actually like this idea, but it defeats the purpose of self policing. There should be some sort of reason and guideline to use gwethsmashers. When necessary, the game should focus on being friendly to beginning skilled characters. This poster states he doesn't mind being smashed for OOC conversations, inappropriate language, so it isn't like he disagrees with the concept of gwethsmashing - only that there are no guidelines to the act.
<<Third, create a registration system in which only mentors and players with proven motivations are the only ones able to purchase and use them.>>
That could work very well, while still maintaining the aspect of self policing. This is probably your best suggestion.
<<Fourth, move the system to the fallen and allow them to have fun with it... if i wanted to be harassed i would have that subscription.>>
Won't really make a difference since TF and Platinum users can use CHATTER.
<<it simply doesn't add anything useful or beneficial to elanthia.>>
It can be beneficial, but there should still be some sort of guidelines with it.
It's not the end of the world for your character, but if you want to close your account for that reason alone than go ahead. It is what it is.
- Simon
Gwethsmashers have been around a lot longer than you think. They just weren't able to be produced by moon mages. So now you see a lot more people self policing the gweth.
I like some of your ideas and don't think some others you suggested could be worth while for the game as a whole.
<<First, remove them from the game entirely, there isn't really a benefit to having them other than to cause disputes and grief.>>
I don't think that would add anything beneficial to the game to remove them. Self policing has its benefits as Seb already pointed out.
<<Second, if you won't do that revise the system so that the player has to input a reason for smashing the gweth (I.E: Out of Character conversations, inappropriate language... not he upset me, or I didn't like what they had to say) if the players reason for smashing the gweth isn't within the bounds and limitations you create for the system, then some action should be taken and the victim of the smashers gweth should be returned.>>
I actually like this idea, but it defeats the purpose of self policing. There should be some sort of reason and guideline to use gwethsmashers. When necessary, the game should focus on being friendly to beginning skilled characters. This poster states he doesn't mind being smashed for OOC conversations, inappropriate language, so it isn't like he disagrees with the concept of gwethsmashing - only that there are no guidelines to the act.
<<Third, create a registration system in which only mentors and players with proven motivations are the only ones able to purchase and use them.>>
That could work very well, while still maintaining the aspect of self policing. This is probably your best suggestion.
<<Fourth, move the system to the fallen and allow them to have fun with it... if i wanted to be harassed i would have that subscription.>>
Won't really make a difference since TF and Platinum users can use CHATTER.
<<it simply doesn't add anything useful or beneficial to elanthia.>>
It can be beneficial, but there should still be some sort of guidelines with it.
It's not the end of the world for your character, but if you want to close your account for that reason alone than go ahead. It is what it is.
- Simon
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
01/30/2009 12:39 PM CST
<<And you have consent on me if I do it anyway.>>
(elaborating on your idea.)
and now with profile, even if the besmashed cannot take out the smasher, they can hire someone, ask a friend to champion, etc (per appropriate PvP profile on the smasher)
So, while most smashes are something we should be grateful for, anytime someone really is just being a jerk, the victim of abuse can get someone to smash face on they behalf.
:oP Ragran
(elaborating on your idea.)
and now with profile, even if the besmashed cannot take out the smasher, they can hire someone, ask a friend to champion, etc (per appropriate PvP profile on the smasher)
So, while most smashes are something we should be grateful for, anytime someone really is just being a jerk, the victim of abuse can get someone to smash face on they behalf.
:oP Ragran
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
02/04/2009 03:17 PM CST
While I do feel bad for the few oblivious true low circle newbies who are smashed without any warning for an accident or whatever, generally the view that smashers are the most horrid thing ever is off. I am not sure but aren't there gweths donated to ODS newbie auction sometimes?
Smashers can only be made once ever 14 days rl as said, sell for about 10 plat a charge and grant consent for you, your spouse and possibly someone else depending on profile pvp.
If you really never want to be smashed use crystal abredine rings to speak about ooc things and say hello etc and the gweth to listen only. These rings sell for about 3-5 plat kronar and I have I believe at least 20 charges?
I feel smashers are a good way for mid level moon mages who don't hunt much to make coin, as the gweth market is pretty well saturated with product. Capped cj's require very high skill levels.
Critters now drop many disposable gweths so there is little chance anyone would be left gwethless for long. Even if they are truly low circle and newish with no connections. Maybe someone isn't going to hand them a set of 30 charge k and j ones for free but they could have something to use.
If smashing is really a huge deal to you and you don't want to reflect on trying to look at the other perspective , perhaps you are the one who should leave prime in favor of Plat or the Fallen Dr. Both of these versions have chatter which is not only free but can be used if you are not dead or KO'd
Smashers can only be made once ever 14 days rl as said, sell for about 10 plat a charge and grant consent for you, your spouse and possibly someone else depending on profile pvp.
If you really never want to be smashed use crystal abredine rings to speak about ooc things and say hello etc and the gweth to listen only. These rings sell for about 3-5 plat kronar and I have I believe at least 20 charges?
I feel smashers are a good way for mid level moon mages who don't hunt much to make coin, as the gweth market is pretty well saturated with product. Capped cj's require very high skill levels.
Critters now drop many disposable gweths so there is little chance anyone would be left gwethless for long. Even if they are truly low circle and newish with no connections. Maybe someone isn't going to hand them a set of 30 charge k and j ones for free but they could have something to use.
If smashing is really a huge deal to you and you don't want to reflect on trying to look at the other perspective , perhaps you are the one who should leave prime in favor of Plat or the Fallen Dr. Both of these versions have chatter which is not only free but can be used if you are not dead or KO'd
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
02/04/2009 03:29 PM CST
I just wanted to say that your post was pretty fantastic.
Thank you.
Join us in sharing information!
View my RPnerderiffic IC journal here!
I just wanted to say that your post was pretty fantastic.
Thank you.
Join us in sharing information!
View my RPnerderiffic IC journal here!
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
02/05/2009 12:21 PM CST
As far as the novice auction goes, we do get gweths donated on occasion but not often and we don't actively seek them out. We don't usually have the time to do a "gweth for novices" lecture to go with giving them out so it's not something we focus on.
Ciressa usually has several of the s, l and w gweths in her giveaway box at the market when she's open and I know someone takes them to hand out to novices they see.
Ciressa usually has several of the s, l and w gweths in her giveaway box at the market when she's open and I know someone takes them to hand out to novices they see.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
02/19/2009 02:20 PM CST
>ottom line, you've created a system without considering that it might discourage your younger population base; While it may amuse the people who've been around forever to be able to pay to crush someone elses properly, it simply doesn't add anything useful or beneficial to elanthia.
nor does 99% of the gweths, i've got a better solution.
You can remove your gweth, and not use it, not be out any more money, and no pain. Now, if everyone would do this, we wouldnt need gwethsmashers.
problem solved at root. remove gweths. sounds just as reasonable as forcing everyone with gweths to put up with anything that comes out of anyone's mouth, with a gweth.
nor does 99% of the gweths, i've got a better solution.
You can remove your gweth, and not use it, not be out any more money, and no pain. Now, if everyone would do this, we wouldnt need gwethsmashers.
problem solved at root. remove gweths. sounds just as reasonable as forcing everyone with gweths to put up with anything that comes out of anyone's mouth, with a gweth.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
02/27/2009 11:26 AM CST
My opinion is that gwethsmashers should be easier to make, easier to use, but instead of shattering gweths, only shut them off for an RL day or two, and take a charge. Maybe when you rub the stones you'd feel a faint pulse of power and nothing else, indicating they're shut down for the time being.
I think it's ridiculous that only permanent (spend an eternity as a premie paying extra money for...) gweths have any defense about this, whereas traders/moon mages, or moonmagetrader alts, are still trying to sell 35 charge kyanite gweths at 1 plat per charge.
These were all around a bad idea to impliment. Whomever did so should be sacked.
I think it's ridiculous that only permanent (spend an eternity as a premie paying extra money for...) gweths have any defense about this, whereas traders/moon mages, or moonmagetrader alts, are still trying to sell 35 charge kyanite gweths at 1 plat per charge.
These were all around a bad idea to impliment. Whomever did so should be sacked.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
02/27/2009 01:06 PM CST
well, the person smashing you spent 10 plat to do it...
<strk> Sara is like Batman in the Dark Knight, she is whatever Dragonrealms needs her to be
<strk> Sara is like Batman in the Dark Knight, she is whatever Dragonrealms needs her to be
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
03/02/2009 11:23 PM CST
a few quick questions about gweth smashers if i may. i understand that the contest involves mentals? does that include all of wisdom, intelligence and discipline? and does anyone know how much each counts towards it? and also, if you use a spell/item to boost your mentals, does that help you in the contest offensively and defensively?
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
03/04/2009 10:34 AM CST
<<well, the person smashing you spent 10 plat to do it...>>
not necessarily. they just needed a MM alt.
not necessarily. they just needed a MM alt.
Re: Gwethsmasher (the snerts chosen toy)
03/04/2009 10:45 AM CST
>>not necessarily. they just needed a MM alt.
likewise with replacement gweths
<strk> Sara is like Batman in the Dark Knight, she is whatever Dragonrealms needs her to be
likewise with replacement gweths
<strk> Sara is like Batman in the Dark Knight, she is whatever Dragonrealms needs her to be