Today I am not giving data on who did what. Today I am going to post something that I, and feedback, have both been saying for years.
If you have a script that will continue unabated, it needs to be changed. The following is my recommendation, and how to do it in either the Wizard or StormFront.
People have scripts that loop back on themselves. They check statuses then go back to some earlier point to continue until the skills are at whatever point people think they should be at. There is nothing abnormal about that, I see it every day.
What I also see every day is people who have placed no check whatsoever on that operation, such that if the phone rings, or something on the stove boils over, or the sewer backs up, the script continues on its merry way, lands the character in the scripting box, and then I am forced to deal with it.
The following will prevent the vast majority of those. At the start of the script section, add a line similar to this:
waitfor ygavsnyrnoadsru
Next, create a macro on a key, ygavsnyrnoadsru\r
What this does is, when the script returns to the beginning for the next cycle of whatever it will do, it requires a manual input from the user, the macro. By doing this, you will be able to look for unusual messaging, or if you are called away, the script will stop, and eventually you would be dropped for inactivity.
This is not a foolproof solution. If the script is very long, it could continue long enough that the pause would not come up quickly enough. Alternately, there is still enough time in the process that it is possible to be warned in the inactive period if you were clearly active. What it will do is make falling asleep at the keyboard much less likely to result in something truly unfortunate.
Re: A Message For The New Year
01/04/2011 06:25 PM CST
An example is my foraging script. When foraging reaches a certain learning rate it asks if I'm awake. I type Yes and have the 'positive attitude' message in the match column. I have a nonsense word that goes through 25 seconds later and my other match is something like 'Please rephrase'. If yes, it goes on to the next portion of the script or the script in the line (depends on learning rate). If the garbled stuff goes through it quits the game.
Re: A Message For The New Year
01/13/2011 02:14 PM CST
That's a great idea. Recently I got paged from work. Hit "F1" instead of escape(silly laptop keyboards). And then went to work. Came back an hour later and noticed I was still logged in. Got lucky there. I'll be adding this to all my scripts.
Re: A Message For The New Year
01/13/2011 02:40 PM CST
I used to dump "#send 600 quit" into Genie before I left for work.