Roundtime Status for cMud 12/26/2006 04:07 PM CST
ANyone get the RT guage working for cMud. I tried my triggers from zMud and can't get it to countdown. Code isn't mine, not sure who wrote it but here it is. The status bar part I got from the forums here. I did post over on Zugg's site but still haven't got a working solution.

#TRIGGER {Q} {} "" {gsl}
#COND {q} {roundtime = %eval(%gsl(Q)-%gsl(q));gaugemax=@roundtime} {gsl}
#TRIGGER (@roundtime>0) {}
#COND {} {#ADD roundtime -1} {wait|param=1000}

#STAT {%ansi(bold)RT: %ansi(high,red)@roundtime %ansi(bold,black)Left: %ansi(high,red)@lefthand %ansi(bold,black)Right: %ansi(high,red)@righthand}

Re: Roundtime Status for cMud 12/26/2006 04:23 PM CST
I just use an alarm instead of the waitstate.

#TRIGGER {Q} {} "" {gsl}
#COND {q} {roundtime = %eval(%gsl(Q)-%gsl(q));#T+ tRTAlarm} {gsl}

#ALARM "tRTAlarm" *1 {#if (@RoundTime) {#add RoundTime -1} {#T- tRTAlarm}}

The status bar stuff can be slightly changed to replace the hand variables with the %gsl equivalents (%gsl.l for left hand and %gsl.m for right hand)

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Roundtime Status for cMud 12/26/2006 05:24 PM CST
Thanks for the help there, got my RT guage working. I also changed my statusbar to use the %gsl.l and %gsl.m for the hands and got rid of the variables and triggers I was using for that. I take it that "%gsl.l" is the same as "gsl(l)". Tried both and they worked for the status bar.

My next task is to convert my position and setup a compass so may have a question regarding those next week.

Thanks again for the help,

Re: Roundtime Status for cMud 12/26/2006 05:49 PM CST
Sort of. %gsl(whatever) will still be needed from time to time, but for those situations that can use system variables you can just use %gsl.whatever now.

J'Lo, no that other one
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