Need the buttons 12/02/2006 04:35 PM CST
That go across the bottom for the health mana fatigue and spirit tags.

this is the GSL tag I see.

<dialogData id='minivitals'><skin id='manaSkin' name='manaBar' controls='mana' left='25%' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/><progressBar id='mana' value='100' text='mana 100%' left='25%' customText='t' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/></dialogData>

I've made no changes, and haven't figured out buttons enough to even hazard a guess.
Re: Need the buttons 12/02/2006 07:51 PM CST
EDIT: fixed some major typos in the #MXPTRIG code and the button paragraph. oops.

Put the following #MXP command in the atconnect alias. MXP elements are not saved across sessions, so you'll need a place to put them so that they always get loaded when you connect and Zugg provides a few handy aliases (in CMud these would be the new events).

#MXP <!element dialogData ATT='id' TAG=20 OPEN>

The following trigger will allow you to pull out the information you need for the gauge to operate. This goes in your settings file and can be entered as-is in the command line (the gag is there to remove the tags and information that MXP can't operate on).

#MXPTRIG {dialogData} {#noop %match("%0","value=~'(%d)~' text=~'mana %d~%~'",@mana,@mana);#gag 1}

For the button, set up a gauge-type button via the GUI (it's much easier to use than the #BUTTON command). Your caption will be "mana @mana~%", the low value will be whatever number you want from to 100 (I set mine to 25), the max value will be 100, and the Value will be %if(%null(@mana),0,@mana) to ensure a number is used instead of whitespace. The rest of the button stuff should be cosmetic stuff like colors, positioning, and style.

And that's how you set up a gauge on the stormfront tags. One word of warning, at this time the %0 reference in CMud is equated to %-1 and thus the above usage in the #MXPTRIG is broken. According to my information, it does not work (though I haven't actually tried it yet, so if it does be sure to let me know or pipe up on the forums).

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Need the buttons 12/02/2006 07:58 PM CST
Don't suppose you'd post the finished #class for them?

The gage tutorial is kind of sparse too.