I imagine the TT-team has a long list of ideas already. But hey, here's a few more that might be worth kicking the can on!
* release the remaining Elothean House locations: When the House locations were released in Shard, I remember talking with the GMPC's at the time about how they were all done (except the Glittering Diadem). And I thought I remembered touring some of them at the time too. However, currently the Houses of the Ivory Scroll, Gentle Lion, Silk Strings and Verdant Lily aren't accessible by players. Maybe check into what happened to the "missing" house locations, see how close they are to ready?
* Re-skin "restricted" shop items: There are all these shops in the game that are 24/7 but have some sort of restriction, be it Citizenship, Moon Mage Sect, Elothean House, Guild, etc. It'd be neat to just get a refresh on things in them. For example, in the Ilithi citizen shop (Spires of Glory), update the current "dark cambrinth armband inset with a multitude of tiny gemstone chips" to a "light cambrinth armband inset with a multitude of tiny Ilithi amethyst chips" or a "dark cambrinth bracer inset with a multitude of tiny gemstone chips". Just something to get older characters back into some of the "vintage" shops by updating to different nouns or adding in some new rare themed materials.
* Greenwall Tower (Shard) re-release: Along the same line as the Elothean Houses, I swear I remember talking with a GM years ago about them working on updating the old Ranger tower. Maybe poke around and see if that ever got further than someone shaking their fist at Smitty's memory and moving on...
* Extra appraisal information: Maybe it stays with Traders, or possibly some of the extra information can start opening up to everyone with enough skill, but it'd be great to not only be able to see all 3 currency values on an item, but maybe also start seeing where an item was originally purchased. Be kinda neat to appraise something and see it was from the "Natural Beauty" shop or if it was altered, that it was done by "Twilightberry".
~*~ Kythryn ~*~
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway