Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 04:13 AM CDT
This probably isn't the right folder for this but it's about as close as I could find. Lately I've been seeing a lot of last names pop up that are the first names for historical/mythical/GMPC figures.

Such as this gem:
[01:29] * Berserker Sansagroth Shorka logged on.

I don't mean to tattle on Sansagroth for his/her excellent choice in name selection but it just seems like historical/mythical/GMPC figures should be copyright protected. Or something. I can't think of a better term.

Perhaps if there is some grand list of these names one of code slaves could run through the last name registry as already in use. Or just add them to the profanity filter.

Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 04:46 AM CDT
I'm in no way affiliated with this person, the only thing I would say though, is that on earth there are many who name their children after famous people, movie stars, political figures, biblical figures, etc. Why would the elanthia's dragonrealms be any different?

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 05:22 AM CDT
It's a last name though, which is ostensibly a family name. I see it as something similar to the ban on having titles as your name. It gives the impression that the person is somehow more 'important' than they really are.

You don't get to be Lord Dragonbane. I'm not sure why using a IG historical figure or current NPC as a name would be alright.
Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 06:22 AM CDT
>>Sansagroth Shorka<<

I've never heard of either name before. Don't see that there's a problem. If the name had been Bilbo Baggins, I might object.


Clerics are on the sectual radar.

Just to be clear - I didn't do it. Not sure who did, but it wasn't me.

- GM Raesh
Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 06:46 AM CDT
>I've never heard of either name before.

"Shorka, called the Cobra, gives her name to the fourth month, for it is during this month that the S'kra would begin their migrations and the summer heat would begin. It was at this time that Shorka pledged herself to Lanival's cause and gave him hope for victory.",_The_%28book%29
Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 08:47 AM CDT
I can see both sides to this one. Sure, there are parallels IRL of people naming their children after important historical figures. I even know one guy whose last name is John and a lady who has the last name David.

That being said, I would have to agree that having people named Zangar Lanival, Merawen Nissa, etc. makes those names look cheap and should not be allowed.

How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads, to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams. -Bram Stoker's Dracula
Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 10:17 AM CDT
Keep in mind - while it makes sense for people to be named after historical figures, in the real world we have a lot of context to tell which is which.

In a Text MUD a name is frequently the main way to ID someone, and if someone was named the same thing as a historical figure (Aside from database and parsing errors...) it's far too easy to impersonate them, intensionally or not. Since who's to say they didn't come back from the dead as an avatar of the Gods or some necromantic abomination or absurdly Goldbergian plot involving the Moon Mage Guild.

Re: Last name system and historical/mythical/GMPC names 08/19/2010 10:26 AM CDT
I can't address the feasibility of adding GMPC names to the filters, but if you do notice something like this, please report it if you are not already doing so.

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.