Below is the link to the outline of how the last name system works in DragonRealms.
The last name system will allow players to add, remove and share their last names:
First names are not affected in ANY way by this system and remain unique. For the remainder of this post, the terms 'last name' and 'surname' remain interchangeable.
Adopter will reference any person that owns the last name or has the ability to distribute it.
Adoptee will be the person receiving the last name (obviously).
To get information from the clerk, simply ASK CLERK FOR HELP.
There is a cost for all services in the genealogy office and the clerk will tell you the price on any that are currently available to you.
Premium players a 10% discount to the fees for registering, reserving, clearing or choosing a new name. Adopting does NOT come with a discount and will remain as-is for all players.
The genealogy office in in the Crossing Town Hall
Registering a last name:
If a player registers a last name, no one else may Choose that surname. The player that registers the surname first becomes the owner of that name.
The only way for someone else to then obtain the surname is if they are adopted.
If you decide not to register your last name, you will not lose it unless you CLEAR the last name. Registering simply gives you the control over who else can obtain the name.
NOTE: It is possible that two or more people could choose the same surname before anyone registers it.
Clearing a last name:
A player can Clear a surname with the clerk.
If they have registered their surname, it also removes their ownership status of the surname.
Choosing a last name:
A person can Choose a new last name if they don't currently have a last name.
The name is subject to normal name rules and may be rejected by the system.
When a name is chosen, a player cannot Adopt someone for 30 days.
This is the only time limit that exists between options in the last name system.
Sharing a last name:
You will be able to share last names with others if you have registered and become the owner of the last name.
To do this, you will need to fill out a license and present it to the clerk.
To complete a license, you'll need help from someone that is familiar with legal documents and contracts - a trader.
A trader of appropriate circle can get 2 types of licenses from the clerk:
Management License - Only a last name owner can give management rights. If a license is a management license, the adoptee will have rights to distribute the surname via the adoption license. If the name owner allows management of the surname, he/she may not revoke the names that are given out. However, he/she can remove an individual's management rights via 'Reserve'.
Adoption License- If a license is an adoption license, the adopted player will only have the last name. He/she will have no rights to distribute the surname.
Anyone may STUDY the license to see the steps needed but it is as follows:
The adopter must sign the contract, then the adoptee signs, the adopter confirms and then the trader signs as a witness.
To sign the license, a player needs charcoal or a quill and they must WRITE LICENSE WITH <quill/charcoal>.
When the contract is complete, the trader(witness) and adoptee must both be present in the geneaology office when the trader turns the license in to the clerk.
Since the adopter and adoptee aren't both required to be present when the license is given to the clerk, characters on the same account can share names. With the current license setup, it's possible for a trader to travel between towns getting signatures and that the adopter and adoptee not be required to meet during the process.
Make sure you read the license before you write your name on it!
Reserving a last name:
A name owner may NOT remove anyone's last name once it has been given.
However, he/she can remove someone's rights to distribute his/her surname.
If a name owner no longer wishes to allow someone to distribute his/her surname, the name owner will need to specify the individual he or she wishes to not have name distribution rights, and then give them "adoptee level" rights to the name. This means that the player specified has the last name but cannot distribute it anymore.
Have fun with it, and good luck on getting your perfect last name!
Senior Board Monitor
If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing Senior Board Monitor, or Message Board Supervisor