GM Naohhi 09/25/2015 04:39 AM CDT
I just wanted to offer a huge thank you to GM Naohhi and all the work she's doing with runestones and magical items. I emailed her with about half a billion questions and requests regarding dead items of mine, and even though the answer to many of them was 'Sorry, no', I appreciate her taking the time to kindly and patiently address my crazy-person concerns.

Her response(s) quickly took me from panicked "I AM LOSING THINGS!" to "Wait, this ain't so bad", and I have serious respect for those kinda CS skills.

Thank you, you are great. <3
Re: GM Naohhi 09/25/2015 05:29 AM CDT
She is a magical unicorn of a human with a spiraling runestone horn on her forehead that will burst even the best air bubble from time to time.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: GM Naohhi 09/25/2015 05:31 AM CDT
Agreed on all fronts. All spiraling fronts.