IF_1 is not bianary, bianary means 2, neither is it a toggle, though it can be used as such depending on the script.
If_#(0-9 Hot Variable Input) is a limited IF/Then IF/GOTO statement.
MatchRE /1|2/
MatchRE /(Li teral| Exact)/
A match subroutine is the closest to an If/Then/Else statement in SF, it even uses the visual basic layout, if you want to. It is more powerful than a simple if/then.
If there were no cost or sacrifice involved, there wouldn't be any benefits worth learning, and the entire system would be pointless. --GM Wythor
These statements were not endorsed or made by a GM and may be completely irrealavent to game play.
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 02:43 PM CDT
I didn't understand any of that. Could you dumb it down? The MATCHRE help docs aren't very helpful, anything you can do to shed light on it would be awesome.
The HeroMachine 3 Alpha is now open
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The HeroMachine 3 Alpha is now open
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Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 02:57 PM CDT
>>IF_1 is not bianary, bianary means 2, neither is it a toggle, though it can be used as such depending on the script.
He's correct it's binary. Yes it's 2, either yes or no. There's no between and nothing more. It's either true or false. Count them, True, 1, False, 2.
>>It is more powerful than a simple if/then.
You really need to try Genie if you think ANYTHING in SF is "powerful"
He's correct it's binary. Yes it's 2, either yes or no. There's no between and nothing more. It's either true or false. Count them, True, 1, False, 2.
>>It is more powerful than a simple if/then.
You really need to try Genie if you think ANYTHING in SF is "powerful"
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 03:13 PM CDT
Genie3 or warlock2 is your friend. Though I'm biased when I suggest warlock2.
- George, Player of Foresee
- George, Player of Foresee
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 03:47 PM CDT
<<IF_1 is not bianary,
All Coding is Binary. Coding is nothing but a complex system of True and False. IF statements are one of the more simplistic forms of True - False, because it is looking for a True statement, Else (opposite of IF) is looking for the False statement. (Else can also be a general, unneeded, statement.)
On a Philosophical-Physics note, everything at it's core is Binary. Even down to the electrical pulses that run your computer or the electrical pulses that fire in your brain/body and keeps you alive. Life is nothing but one and zeros; True's and False's.
All Coding is Binary. Coding is nothing but a complex system of True and False. IF statements are one of the more simplistic forms of True - False, because it is looking for a True statement, Else (opposite of IF) is looking for the False statement. (Else can also be a general, unneeded, statement.)
On a Philosophical-Physics note, everything at it's core is Binary. Even down to the electrical pulses that run your computer or the electrical pulses that fire in your brain/body and keeps you alive. Life is nothing but one and zeros; True's and False's.
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 04:22 PM CDT
>>On a Philosophical-Physics note, everything at it's core is Binary. Even down to the electrical pulses that run your computer or the electrical pulses that fire in your brain/body and keeps you alive. Life is nothing but one and zeros; True's and False's.
You need more quantum mechanics.
Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
You need more quantum mechanics.
Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 04:25 PM CDT
<< Quantum mechanics...
Don't peek. It might be a one, or it might not.
Don't peek. It might be a one, or it might not.
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 04:30 PM CDT
... I was going to link a relevant OoTS strip but I can't because it was a bonus strip in the print version.
So I'll just say "quantum ninja" and "go buy Dungeon Crawlin' Fools so you can know what I'm talking about".
Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
So I'll just say "quantum ninja" and "go buy Dungeon Crawlin' Fools so you can know what I'm talking about".
Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 04:47 PM CDT
>>Don't peek. It might be a one, or it might not.
The Uncertainty Principle says it'll be both. It's one of the killzones that's defeating the possibility of teleportation.
The Uncertainty Principle says it'll be both. It's one of the killzones that's defeating the possibility of teleportation.
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 04:51 PM CDT
<< Dungeon Crawlin' Fools
This is the first time I've heard of this. Thanks, looks funny.
Still working on what Quantum Ninja means though.
This is the first time I've heard of this. Thanks, looks funny.
Still working on what Quantum Ninja means though.
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 05:02 PM CDT
... No, that's not really what causes problems with teleportation. A LOT of things cause problems with teleportation but quantum uncertainty really isn't the big one. Of course defining what teleportation actually is would be one of the first ones...
>>Quantum Ninja
Roy: So there's a ninja in there now, huh?
Haley: We assume so.
Roy: You assume? You mean you don't know for sure?
Haley: Ninjas are tricky, Roy. It's almost impossible to directly observe a ninja. One can only speak about probable ninja location.
Vaarsuvius: I see. The very act of observing the ninja alters it's location.
Haley: Exactly Being that the trap was sprung and Elan is accounted for, we can surmise that there are one or more ninjas in orbit of the throwing stars.
Roy: Can't you just open the box and see?
Haley: Don't be silly. We don't actually have Spot checks high enough to see the ninja. Opening the box would allow the ninja to escape, and then we'd never know whether we had captured one at all.
Balkar: Unless he's dead already.
Roy: Dead?
Haley: Yeah, Belkar accidentally left a vial of poison gas wired to a Geiger counter inside the box.
Balkar: My bad.
Roy: And you can't open the box to see if he's dead without freeing him if he's not.
Haley: You got it.
Roy: So, do we get XP for him?
Vaarsuvius: We both receive XP and do not receive XP, being that the state of his defeat remains uncertain until we open the box.
Roy: Anyone up for some zombie killing?
Haley: Me!
Vaarsuvius: I shall procure the beer and pretzels.
Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
... No, that's not really what causes problems with teleportation. A LOT of things cause problems with teleportation but quantum uncertainty really isn't the big one. Of course defining what teleportation actually is would be one of the first ones...
>>Quantum Ninja
Roy: So there's a ninja in there now, huh?
Haley: We assume so.
Roy: You assume? You mean you don't know for sure?
Haley: Ninjas are tricky, Roy. It's almost impossible to directly observe a ninja. One can only speak about probable ninja location.
Vaarsuvius: I see. The very act of observing the ninja alters it's location.
Haley: Exactly Being that the trap was sprung and Elan is accounted for, we can surmise that there are one or more ninjas in orbit of the throwing stars.
Roy: Can't you just open the box and see?
Haley: Don't be silly. We don't actually have Spot checks high enough to see the ninja. Opening the box would allow the ninja to escape, and then we'd never know whether we had captured one at all.
Balkar: Unless he's dead already.
Roy: Dead?
Haley: Yeah, Belkar accidentally left a vial of poison gas wired to a Geiger counter inside the box.
Balkar: My bad.
Roy: And you can't open the box to see if he's dead without freeing him if he's not.
Haley: You got it.
Roy: So, do we get XP for him?
Vaarsuvius: We both receive XP and do not receive XP, being that the state of his defeat remains uncertain until we open the box.
Roy: Anyone up for some zombie killing?
Haley: Me!
Vaarsuvius: I shall procure the beer and pretzels.
Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 05:19 PM CDT
<< Rahl: Quantum Ninja transcript...
Heh. By reading your post the funny state was quantified, and the universe bubbled off into two outcomes. In this universe, I am laughing. In the other universe, I frowned slightly, closed the browser and actually did some work. The other-universe me is an even bigger dork though, so I'm glad I'm this universe-me. We should go kick my other-butt.
Heh. By reading your post the funny state was quantified, and the universe bubbled off into two outcomes. In this universe, I am laughing. In the other universe, I frowned slightly, closed the browser and actually did some work. The other-universe me is an even bigger dork though, so I'm glad I'm this universe-me. We should go kick my other-butt.
Re: SF IF Then (s)
08/17/2009 06:27 PM CDT
>All Coding is Binary. Coding is nothing but a complex system of True and False. IF statements are one of the more simplistic forms of True - False, because it is looking for a True statement, Else (opposite of IF) is looking for the False statement. (Else can also be a general, unneeded, statement.)
...ok, at some point everything can be represented at a binary level. That's not really the point at all.
Also, coding is more than just true and false. Even at the hardware level, there's multiple instructions, support for basic math, etc.
...ok, at some point everything can be represented at a binary level. That's not really the point at all.
Also, coding is more than just true and false. Even at the hardware level, there's multiple instructions, support for basic math, etc.