Having looked back over past posts and searched the forums (as much as is possible!), google and the DR website for more information on what can be done with Stormfront, I have to agree with past posters that a help file would be extremely useful.
I have used SF for as long as I can remember and figured out enough to play reasonably well. Having come from zMUD it took quite some time to adjust to. But when I look at the picture on the website it makes me wonder if I am using the client to its full potential. Only the other day I read about the rest mode (ctrl + R). There could be tons of other things that SF can do to help enhance my gameplay that I do no know of.
Please, please can we have a proper guide to this client, especially seeing as people spend so long every day using it! Things like the rest mode are not mentioned anywhere that I can see and neither do they pop up in a drop down menu when you right click on something.
What about an in-game help file? Like when you press F1 or something. Just anything really to help guide people, especially those new to SF, how to use it fully.
Lysorla Wolfsong