I have been using Stormfront and I love it. But, there are some things I'd like to use Wizard for, but when I try to sign in Wizard it says I can't connect and wants to take me to the play.net status page. I thought maybe I could uninstall Wizard and reinstall, but it's not in my add/remove page. There's no link to download as it's supposed to download if you choose it as an option and when I do that.......back to square one, can't connect, would you like to go to status page? Please help. Thank you!
Re: Wizard
06/19/2005 11:37 AM CDT
I don't know how well versed you are in computers, but there is the option of manual uninstall. Basically you remove the program files (I'd back up your scripts and such somewhere) and remove the registry entries with a program such as "regcleaner" This should allow you to download the game normally
You sense (N, S) from your current position:
A relatively healthy presence nearby.
Roundtime: 6 seconds
You sense (N, S) from your current position:
A relatively healthy presence nearby.
Roundtime: 6 seconds
Re: Wizard
06/20/2005 01:17 PM CDT
A quick and dirty way to manually uninstall the wizard would be to simply delete (or rename and move or otherwise back up) the "c:\program files\simu\wizard" directory. Probably just deleting the 'wizard.exe' file itself will be enough to trigger a reinstall though. When you next launch the game, it will see the wizard program is missing and download and install it again. If you want to maintain your character settings, you will have to backup the 'wizard/drealms' directory before reinstalling and copy it back into the proper place afterwards. BTW I would recommend using the SGE program to launch the games rather than the website, if you aren't already.
But I don't think your problem will be solved by reinstalling (I could be wrong though). To my knowledge there are no registry entries for Wizard that have to do with the connection aspect. If you're having difficulty connecting when using Wizard but can always connect via a different method such as Stormfront, most likely there is a firewall issue on your computer or network that is blocking the specific port that Wizard uses to connect to the game.
Put up a post in the 'Support - Front Ends (Game Access)' topic and Simu-Myke will probably help you. He's been lurking there quite a bit lately.
But I don't think your problem will be solved by reinstalling (I could be wrong though). To my knowledge there are no registry entries for Wizard that have to do with the connection aspect. If you're having difficulty connecting when using Wizard but can always connect via a different method such as Stormfront, most likely there is a firewall issue on your computer or network that is blocking the specific port that Wizard uses to connect to the game.
Put up a post in the 'Support - Front Ends (Game Access)' topic and Simu-Myke will probably help you. He's been lurking there quite a bit lately.
Wizard FE Script
06/23/2009 07:56 PM CDT
I am trying to create a very simple script for weapons training. All I want it to do is make an attack (or series of attacks), check my mind state in that particular skillset, and if my mind state is bewildering or higher, tuck the weapon away and go to the next weapon. I am having a problem where it doesn't seem to recognize a mind state, it just goes back to the weapon I am using without switching over. What am I doing wrong?
Script is below:
pause 1
put stance shield
put stow right
pause 1
put get club
put throw
pause 4
put get club
pause 3
pause 1
put stance shield
put stow right
pause 1
put get komno
put stance parry
pause 1
put feint
pause 5
put bash
pause 7
put sweep
pause 7
put draw
pause 5
put jab
pause 5
put slice
pause 7
put dodge
pause 5
pause 1
put * Checks on Light Thrown Skill *
match LTCONT clear
match LTCONT learning
match LTCONT thoughtful
match LTCONT pondering
match LTCONT concentrating
match LTCONT muddled
match LTCONT perplex
match MBCONT bewild
match MBCONT dazed
match MBCONT mind lock
put skill Light Thrown
pause 1
put * Checks on Medium Blunt Skill *
match LTCONT mind lock
match LTCONT dazed
match LTCONT bewilder
match MBCONT perplexed
match MBCONT perplexing
match MBCONT muddled
match MBCONT concentrating
match MBCONT pondering
match MBCONT thoughtful
match MBCONT learning
match MBCONT clear
put skill Medium Blunt
Script is below:
pause 1
put stance shield
put stow right
pause 1
put get club
put throw
pause 4
put get club
pause 3
pause 1
put stance shield
put stow right
pause 1
put get komno
put stance parry
pause 1
put feint
pause 5
put bash
pause 7
put sweep
pause 7
put draw
pause 5
put jab
pause 5
put slice
pause 7
put dodge
pause 5
pause 1
put * Checks on Light Thrown Skill *
match LTCONT clear
match LTCONT learning
match LTCONT thoughtful
match LTCONT pondering
match LTCONT concentrating
match LTCONT muddled
match LTCONT perplex
match MBCONT bewild
match MBCONT dazed
match MBCONT mind lock
put skill Light Thrown
pause 1
put * Checks on Medium Blunt Skill *
match LTCONT mind lock
match LTCONT dazed
match LTCONT bewilder
match MBCONT perplexed
match MBCONT perplexing
match MBCONT muddled
match MBCONT concentrating
match MBCONT pondering
match MBCONT thoughtful
match MBCONT learning
match MBCONT clear
put skill Medium Blunt
Re: Wizard FE Script
06/23/2009 08:04 PM CDT
Its matching the clear from the overall mindstate line. Make all the matches like this:
% clear
% learning
...and it should work.
Another option would be to resort your matchtable from mind lock to clear since it would match the higher states before the clear mindstate, but that's just leaving a loophole that could potentially cause it to fail on a hiccup or lag.
Crackling with unspent rage since 386A.V.
% clear
% learning
...and it should work.
Another option would be to resort your matchtable from mind lock to clear since it would match the higher states before the clear mindstate, but that's just leaving a loophole that could potentially cause it to fail on a hiccup or lag.
Crackling with unspent rage since 386A.V.
Re: Wizard FE Script
06/24/2009 12:39 PM CDT
I like to keep my scripts simple for editing purposes. When checking for experience to move on in a script it is easy to keep it simple.
match xxxxx mind lock
match xxxx1 Overall
put exp skill xxxxx
match xxxxx mind lock
match xxxx1 Overall
put exp skill xxxxx