Is there any command you can put in a script to replicate the Shift-Esc suspend script command?
Thanks for any replies.
Re: Scripting question
03/04/2003 06:51 AM CST
I don't know of one, but I'm a amatuer scripter.
If you're looking for something to stop the script while there's nothing going on, a simple rest routine works for me:
match fight You face a
match rest There is nothing left to face
put parry
match fight begins to advance on you
Or something similiar.
If you're looking for something to stop the script while there's nothing going on, a simple rest routine works for me:
match fight You face a
match rest There is nothing left to face
put parry
match fight begins to advance on you
Or something similiar.
Re: Scripting question
03/04/2003 10:41 AM CST
>Is there any command you can put in a script to replicate the Shift-Esc suspend script command?
Seeing as how Shift-ESC requires to you to hit ESC to start the script again, you can use a 'waitfor XXXX'. This will halt the script because nothing in the game outputs XXXX. At leas that I know of, and its not likely for someone to walk by with that in thier name, or say that phrase. Just type XXXX (not with a SAY, " or ') when you want it to start back up.
put say A_long_line_of_stuff that requires a hefty wait
waitfor XXXX
put say Next_long_line_of_stuff
waitfor XXXX
put say More_junk_here
Seeing as how Shift-ESC requires to you to hit ESC to start the script again, you can use a 'waitfor XXXX'. This will halt the script because nothing in the game outputs XXXX. At leas that I know of, and its not likely for someone to walk by with that in thier name, or say that phrase. Just type XXXX (not with a SAY, " or ') when you want it to start back up.
put say A_long_line_of_stuff that requires a hefty wait
waitfor XXXX
put say Next_long_line_of_stuff
waitfor XXXX
put say More_junk_here
Re: Scripting question
03/04/2003 10:44 AM CST
There isn't anything that directly emulates SHIFT-ESC to my knowledge. You can set up a matchwait that needs you to enter a command to effectively do the same thing.
put blahblah
goto wait
match boringstufftraining Continueonyourwaymrscriptsir
That will stop the script after the broingstufftraining routine until you enter Continueonyourwaymrscriptsir.
put blahblah
goto wait
match boringstufftraining Continueonyourwaymrscriptsir
That will stop the script after the broingstufftraining routine until you enter Continueonyourwaymrscriptsir.
Re: Scripting question
03/04/2003 10:54 AM CST
Duh. "waitfor" would be the easy way to do that. Ignore me.
Re: Scripting question
03/04/2003 12:20 PM CST
Waitfor is definitely the way to go if you want your script to totally pause until you tell it to go again.
I personally have a script that loops me in and around the leech pit. Now, I wanted the script to not kill me, heh, so I have a waitfor before each time I move. The waitfor is for something the game should rarely parse on it's own, so I type in the short string when I am ready for it to proceed. That way, I can take as long as I like in each room to tend off leeches, to absorb experience in case of a full pool, or chat with someone I happen across. And also, it doesn't continue without me if I have to run for the phone or the door, thereby causing me to AFK script. I find it to be exactly what I needed.
Now, if you are looking for something to pause and unpause an AFK script, I can't help you there.
~player of Cetacea
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
I personally have a script that loops me in and around the leech pit. Now, I wanted the script to not kill me, heh, so I have a waitfor before each time I move. The waitfor is for something the game should rarely parse on it's own, so I type in the short string when I am ready for it to proceed. That way, I can take as long as I like in each room to tend off leeches, to absorb experience in case of a full pool, or chat with someone I happen across. And also, it doesn't continue without me if I have to run for the phone or the door, thereby causing me to AFK script. I find it to be exactly what I needed.
Now, if you are looking for something to pause and unpause an AFK script, I can't help you there.
~player of Cetacea
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.