I'm sure you've been gone a loooooooong time now, but I just thought it should exist somewhere on these forums, a post where I thank you for all you did for me. From that one late night friday when I was a kid in lockout(over a dozen years ago) and my timer expired and rerolled instead of letting me back into the game, and rather than telling me 'write feedback on monday' you took care of it for me then and there, to the time my white bat familiar suddenly changed into a russet bat, and I called for help and you showed up and turned it back to white for me, to the other times a minor incident could be corrected shortly, or with a send and some advice.
I just thought of this a while ago when I noticed that bat had changed colors yet again, but this time it couldn't be changed back due to something with a 'new familiar system' put back a while ago. You were a fella I looked up to, and wherever you roam these days, I hope it's fun and entertaining.