Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/08/2021 01:02 AM CST
I believe I saw a couple comments in one of the Discord channels about this.

Wasn't sure if it was just speculation or if Simu is actually planning something.
I take it there haven't been any official posts about it.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/08/2021 12:19 PM CST
>>I take it there haven't been any official posts about it.

I think part of the problem is that the DragonRealms discord is "100% player ran and moderated," and understandably a lot more busy/active than the forums by the general nature of what it is (and the fact that's it's just more modernized in general).

Lyneya and other GMs, to their credit, are also very active there, and I think that's an extremely good thing. It's a very community-centered game, after all.

At the same time, I think it's unrealistic to believe players won't see those messages as "official" just because GMs say them on an "unofficial" channel. In addition to that, since the Discord is very busy with general conversation, those neat GM-info-nuggets are a bit hard to find. I can understand the frustration of some players, and I also know there isn't a clean solution (short of someone literally going "Here's what the GMs said on discord today/this week.")

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 11:25 AM CST
<< ... and I also know there isn't a clean solution (short of someone literally going "Here's what the GMs said on discord today/this week.")

Thanks for the reply, and I think you hit the nail on the head. There is just so much activity in the Discord channels that it would almost be a full time job scrolling back to see what all has been said.

If only there was an official place where GMs could post and have it easily found/read by everyone ::ducks::
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 12:55 PM CST

If only there was a search command on the forums... nope.
If only there was a search command on discord that makes it SUPER easy to look up what another person has posted... yep. No scrolling required and takes literally seconds to do. Not using discord makes as much sense as using the web browser front end.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 01:16 PM CST

And is Discord ran by Simutronics as an official place to announce things? Nope

Are the discord channels ran by GMs that work for Simutronics? Nope.

Is discord player ran and GM's pop in from time to time? Yep. Short answer for my request. What GM's say on discord can be also said here. Its not hard. Cut and paste and click post to the forums. Its simple and easy. Discord is not run by or owned by Simutronics, these forums are. I don't get on discord on the prime side, its too "Noisy", more or less, if I look away for 5 minutes I have to do 20 minutes of catching up, that takes away from my day. At least posting here, I can read it and be done with their announcement in a matter of 45 seconds. This is what THIS forum is for. Announcements from the staff. Lets keep it that way.

Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 02:15 PM CST
Was anything officially announced only on discord? Nope, therefore point one is irrelevant.

Are the discord channels ran by GMs that work for Simutronics? Has nothing to do with anything... seriously this is about as relevant as my asking hows the weather and you saying "fish swim in the sea"... BUT Lyneya is the only GM (although she's the PM) who posts anything in even a semi-official capacity(and EVERY official announcement is posted on these forums) on Discords. That means you only have to search one persons name to find out what they've said.

The running or owning of Discord has nothing to do with anything. Why does it matter if Simutronics or even the communist party of China owns/runs it? It takes literally seconds(less than 20) to run a search for and read what a specific person has said (and you only have to keep track of one) so your complaint has zero merit. Announcements from the staff ARE posted here, not once has an official announcement been posted only on discord.

Its not a slap in the face for company's to keep up with the times. A fair chunk of our community( frankly most gaming communities now days)use something like discord or a hybrid of discord and in-house forums. If you want to limit yourself to just the forums that's fine, but don't try and take away from everyone else because you think discord is "too noisy". You have been given ways to "keep up" with the latest from discord that are quick, simple, and effective; choosing not to use them is on you.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 02:49 PM CST
Was anything said on Discord? umm...why yes, yes it was, search since you can about what Lynena said about the 25 yr anniversary and about the bonus's they plan on doing for the game. Like they did last spring, but instead of it being 25 days, it'll be 27 days. One day 4x the experience, one day, more chance for more valuable gems, one day of more chance to find a map etc etc. That was said by her. On discord. Among other things. No I will not go into the prime discord just to see what she says every day. If she's communicating on discord with players there, she can surely post here what the discussions are about. Discord again isn't a simutronics owned venue. Thats the main complaint. If she can say there, she can say in here on the forums.

Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 02:57 PM CST

Lets's one!!

From Lyneya: Guildfest will run June 11-20, 2021

and yet another that I was talking about that deals with Simutronics at 25 yrs.

From Lyneya-It's actually gonna be exactly the same as it was ... the mechanic that we had automate and change between events is going to be turned back on. So it'll be the same rotation, the same cycle. Yes, including REXP.

another one from Feb 6th

LyneyaToday at 1:24 PM
We had an update last year which allowed me to see how long basic subscribers have been a customer (previously, that info was only researchable in game for premium customers).
Which means that I can finally start doing some long term stuff for them
We also have a monthly requirement for GMs to build some items.. they build some of this tier, some of that tier, some auction tier each month. We pull from this pool for MT events and auctions.
There's ... a lot of stuff piled up in there
Much of it sits because it doesn't fit the "theme" of what we have going on at any particular time
So! We're looking at running a token auction with those things. The number of tokens you get will be relative to the number of years you've been a paying customer.

Tell me she's not making announcements there and not here? She is, and it needs to be either cross posted, or just even posted here. DOn't tell me she's not when she is.

Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 03:08 PM CST
>>If only there was a search command on discord that makes it SUPER easy to look up what another person has posted... yep. No scrolling required and takes literally seconds to do. Not using discord makes as much sense as using the web browser front end.

Yes all you have to do is also skip past all the posts where, Lyneya, UNDERSTANDABLY is just chatting as a human being who wants to be social, as opposed to a GM, then try to tell what she's responding to so you get a better grasp of why she said "Tuesday!" or whatever, and etc etc etc.

Also, keep in mind that the discord is explicitly labeled as "unofficial". It's player run (this is great) as opposed to Simu-run. A major mode of "insider information" shouldn't come from a non-official channel.

>>Was anything officially announced only on discord? Nope, therefore point one is irrelevant.

Can you point to the GM announcement on the forum that lists out the seasonal event calendar for 2021, like it was announced in the discord back in September?

Once again, to be clear, I think it's great that GMs are engaging players more via discord. I think it's just also important to know and recognize that not everyone wants to follow an unofficial chatroom for pretty basic stuff like when an event is taking place (yes, you can now check epedia for it, but I think there's value in actually telling players in an actual/official announcement about it vs hoping a player actively chooses to add it to another player-run system).

>>but don't try and take away from everyone else because you think discord is "too noisy".

No one said "take the discord away," they said "it would be great if GMs made sure the information they convey on discord also makes it to the forums at some point."

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 04:21 PM CST
If we are going to reference stuff that was said on Discord, don't forget that one of those lines was: "and yes, this will all go on the forums before it rolls out".
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 04:35 PM CST

So guild fest was announced there with a date, how come not here? Things are STILL being told there before being shared here. It doesn't change that. The whole, oh it will be announced on the forums before, doesn't change the fact its being said there way in advance. Its not a simu site, its not a simu venue. I don't get on that side of discord. It needs to be announced here at the same time its being said there and announced there. Its ridiculous I find out about things after she says it on discord. If you can't put it here around the same time, than don't say it on the discord chat. I know we all like to chat as HUMANS, but when she is representing simutronics as a game master and an employee, she also needs to put it here as well. Not just there and not say anything here at all. Its ridiculous.

Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 02/09/2021 05:00 PM CST
I honestly don't feel this as complicated or "great debate" as folks seem to want it to be.

The discord is great: no one is expecting GMs to engage in deep conversations on forums that can't support it like the discord can support it.

Adding updates to the forum isn't a heavy lift. It's the easiest win. There's literally no reason for anyone to defend not putting game updates/information on the official forums.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms ::NUDGE:: 02/10/2021 11:46 AM CST
Please stop attacking the GM's. This thread will be closed if that continues.

PM Lyneya said there would be a post about the 25th anniversary of Dragonrealms. I can't say when, but there will be one.

DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms ::NUDGE:: 02/10/2021 03:34 PM CST
Pretty simple solution, players can create cross post announcements that they see in the discord. The boards are pretty dead and I can totally understand why unofficial announcements are shared there as the majority that I've seen have come from organic converstations that happen on the discord.

If you don't want to use the discord resource for whatever reason then information will still trickle in via the simu boards and websites.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 03/08/2021 01:23 AM CST
Is there any way we can "link" two accounts to get credit for both? I played for many years on one account, quit for a while, and when I came back started a new account. Now sad that I didn't restart the old one. :(

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
Re: 25th yr of Dragonrealms 03/13/2021 10:56 AM CST
<<Is there any way we can "link" two accounts to get credit for both? I played for many years on one account, quit for a while, and when I came back started a new account. Now sad that I didn't restart the old one. :(

- Navesi>>

Short answer is no, tough noogies. I'm in the same boat, was told no.