For this Funday Friday, I reworked the Gilen Otso Steppes hunting areas in P3.
This rework did not introduce any new creatures, but instead worked to reorganize the area to better flow as well as adjust spawn rates. We also removed some creatures.
* The bison and antelopes will still spawn across the area, but they should be rare and are mainly there for flavor. They are low enough level that they shouldn't cause any problems for actual hunters in the area.
* The grass eels have finally been chased off by all the big nasty things around them. They will no longer be creature level 5 in a zone that is reached through a zone with creature-level 50 creatures.
* The horse herd has not been disturbed
* The small peccaries have also finally been rendered extinct in the area and will no longer spawn
* All other creatures now have their own zones to themselves, without other creatures (besides bison and antelope) intruding.
* These zones were created by new "paths/trails/etc." to help keep creatures from "escaping, so you'll notice that the area has some new things to navigate through.
* Pards have been corralled into three zones in the first parts of the area. One zone is 32 creature-level pards, the second is creature-level 36, and the last is creature-level 40. The pards will have a bit of variation in their levels in each zone - which should vary plus or minus 2 levels either way of the level given above in each zone.
* Arzumos have also gotten set up in two zones - one of creature level 50 and one of creature level 54. Like the pards, they will vary plus or minus 2 levels either way of the level given above in each zone.
* Peccaries (not the small version, but the plain "peccary" version) will have two zones, too - one creature level 44 and one creature level 47. As above, each zone will vary the levels plus or minus 2 levels.
* The Dragon priestesses/priests are in two zones - one creature level 71 and one creature level 76. Again, they will vary within each zone by two levels, plus or minus.
* Lastly, in digging into things here - the DPs had some adjustments. Somehow, they forgot what spell they were supposed to cast and were trying to cast a non-existent spell. They have been bopped HARD on their heads and now remember that they are supposed to be casting Huldah's Pall, so be a bit wary when venturing in. They also had their treasure adjusted to be within our guidelines, so they are in line with their danger - they seem to be stingier..
The general trend within the area is that the lower creature levels are nearer Shard and the higher ones are up in the canyon and cliff, but I leave the exact layout to you guys to explore and discover.
The spawn rates on everything remaining (except the bison/antelope) have been adjusted to hopefully be a bit more ... lively. Please let us know if something seems .. weird (like - no creatures at all or other strangenesses)
This is hopefully not the last development in this area, but it has been oft-requested, and I hope you enjoy it.
Special thanks to Zadraes for QCing and making suggestions, and for putting up with me "misplacing" my notes on the area during the whole "get HE out the door" phase of October. This made his QCing task a lot harder because I couldn't find my notes to tell him exactly where I put the new trails/paths/etc. Sorry!
SGM Ulerith
Creature Goddess and general dogsboddy