Happy Tuesday!
Many (many) moons ago, we introduced alyssum tea (death sting removal) during Hollow Eve as one of the shrine game drops, and later on we included them in login rewards. They've popped up in a few other places over the years, and now, at long last, they've been added to the crafting system!
Paklin has added three new alyssum variants to the foraging system -- purple alyssum blossom, pink alyssum blossom, and white alyssum blossom. Note when foraging that blossom is singular! One of the three can only be found in a particular (large) area of the game; we'll leave it for you to find over the next few days and maybe given hints if needed then.
Additionally, Paklin has added instructions for the alyssum tea to three alchemy societies -- Muspar'i, Shard and Hibarnhvidar. The tea recipe requires all three variants to craft! Of note for crafters, the amount of death sting the crafted tea ultimately removes is tied to the potency and final quality.
Big thanks to Paklin for tackling this! Since the beginning, it was always planned to be craftable, it just took us a while to make it happen! If you notice oddities, please use BUG and/or post over in #lore!