Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 03/29/2014 09:17 AM CDT

I know this conversation has come up many times in the past, but the answer is always no. But I have to ask again, can we have the extreme shop be in a static location? If not, why? I personally have not found it in the open for about 2 years. I am fairly sure that nobody has even seen it in the past 3 months. It is in a broken location half of the time that isn't accessible to us, and with really no GM available to us, nobody bothers with it. If you look at the ~30 characters in TF, there is probably at least 500k plats with absolutely nothing to spend it on. I think the extreme shop would help out here tremendously. Not to mention, a perk for maybe luring in new players.

Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 03/29/2014 10:58 AM CDT
I know that since the advent of the extreme shop many years ago, I have NEVER gone looking for it. I have never found it, nor have I bought anything from it. I would like to buy some of the things that may be inside of it, but I'm not going to search thousands of rooms just to find it. If it were in a stationary location, I would probably visit from time to time, but otherwise it's completely useless to me.


"I only automatically kill players when they're asking for it or it's funny. Or both." ~GM Raesh
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 03/29/2014 03:37 PM CDT
There's a script somewhere that looks for it

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 03/29/2014 03:46 PM CDT
Even with the script, 75% of the time it is in a location that is not accessible to us. So you spend 2 days running the script only to find it is in a bad location is very bad for the mood in TF.
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 03/29/2014 11:02 PM CDT
Oh I get it don't get me wrong I played TF when it was static and it was great, all be it a bug,

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 04/05/2014 02:29 PM CDT
The TF shop was designed to move around. The items within were meant to be fun, neat, above-average. Not things found in a 24/7 shop. I will concede that it doesn't look like the shop has been updated for newer weapon/gear stats, but there's a mirror blade, a polo cloak, repeating crossbows and tons more being sold in it.

If it's going to be a 24/7 shop, then it needs to have Crossing-style inventory across the board. But then, what's the point of it?

As long as it has fancy stuff in it, it's going to continue to move around. That said, yes. There are some quirks with the mechanics. There are some changes we could make such as forcing an automatic 'move every X days' to help during those times when it ends up in an inaccessible area. Consider it known, but I don't know when someone will be able to look at it.

And to put it out there -- the shop is currently in a very open, obvious place. It's not tucked away with the vykathi or any other obscure area.

SGM Zadraes
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 04/05/2014 05:14 PM CDT
>If it's going to be a 24/7 shop, then it needs to have Crossing-style inventory across the board. But then, what's the point of it?

I don't understand this; it's TF. The entire point of the instance is that there are no rules. Forcing game balance rules on 24x7 scripters just seems, for lack of a better word, dumb.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 04/05/2014 11:10 PM CDT
>>I don't understand this; it's TF. The entire point of the instance is that there are no rules. Forcing game balance rules on 24x7 scripters just seems, for lack of a better word, dumb.

This. Worrying about game balance in TF goes against the entire point of TF. Worrying about everyone being able to buy a mirror blade and repeating crossbows in TF for a couple thousand plat is just dumb. And my highest TF character was like a circle 32 War Mage and I don't play in the instance so I have nothing to gain from the shop being static.
Re: Its time to get real, static extreme shop location 05/16/2014 03:35 AM CDT
>> If you look at the ~30 characters in TF, there is probably at least 500k plats with absolutely nothing to spend it on.

Probably closer to 1+ million. I alone have close to 500K plats just collecting dust.
If extreme shop is made static... 10k to everyone for shopping.