thought on hardcore mode 10/07/2013 04:09 PM CDT
During the race to 150th, some folks made 30th in like a week. Pretty amazing. I was thinking, what if we just opened up TF to always learn at that rate? So you could get to like 200th in 10-12 weeks? That will most likely never happen, so I had a different thought.

What if we have a hardcore mode, where the characters that are hardcore get filled exp bonus pools. They keep these bonus pools and experience gains to use for the life of their character. If they die though, their character turns back to normal learning rates. This way, its not like they die and have to start over, but they die and lose the EXP bonus only. I think this would be really cool, and help people develop nice characters. I really feel like people don't join TF just for the pure fact they are so far behind from day 1.

Re: thought on hardcore mode 10/15/2013 10:17 PM CDT
I don't play TF and never really have except when it first started, but I think that it would be something cool and different to offer advanced learning rates and a "hardcore-esqe" mode to spice things up. Some people that are sick of playing the same ole DR grind and have quit might find it an amusing turn to be able to create a character in even more limited terms than are seen nowdays for pvp. But it would require more folks also, so maybe GM's should think of TF as another option that's not extra cash besides the regular sub. Lets face it a lot of people have just quit so I think having the TF server another option might get people back into the game.
Re: thought on hardcore mode 10/15/2013 10:38 PM CDT

TF learning bonus till first death is a great idea.