TF Race to 150th 09/19/2013 01:02 PM CDT

I decided to start another guy and see how fast I can get to 150th. Last time we tried this, I got my guy to about 130th and then lost interest. I think we had about 10 people join last time, and a few people making it to 150th. I started a guy yesterday, but if we get interest I can reroll him, but up to like a week out.

Anybody interested at all in joining the race to 150th? This is your chance to really prove you are legit in the DR knowledge and scripting field.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/19/2013 04:23 PM CDT
Im might come back for something like this... so its a max min character then, not well rounded at all?

- Buuwl
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/19/2013 04:54 PM CDT
I might be down for this.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/19/2013 05:41 PM CDT

Yep, just going for level 150, no need to be well rounded.

Can we maybe set the 28th as a start day? I'll start my guy that day regardless, heh.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/20/2013 05:06 PM CDT
I think this would be fun. Official start date, Saturday September 28th 2013. I will donate forged weapons, ORASTEEL or MIDSTEEL, whatever is preferable, please e-mail me, with whatever standard type weapons you want (anything from the weaponsmithing craft book).
Maybe someone would donate some shields or something like that?
I will also donate 2k plat to the winner of the race.

Here's a link for forged weapons, and their stats:
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/20/2013 07:15 PM CDT
I have some tyrium I can donate to the winner and some other super rare items.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 10:27 AM CDT
Ok, this could get me back into TF. Starting the 28th? Sure.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 12:01 PM CDT

Ok cool, sounds like we have some interest. We'll start any time the 28th, if you need coin or anything to start out maybe show up early Saturday and chatter.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 02:26 PM CDT
Early Sat sounds good.

Right now I'm getting back into TF and warming up. Getting some of the early scripts fluid and the like.

Any idea on starting gear? There are a few things I'd love to have starting out. Nothing all that fancy, but some store bought tools would make life a lot easier at the beginning.

I figure I'll just reroll the toon I'm playing around with right now, so maybe keep whatever I manage to collect? (That way also the newb store in the plaza doesn't get hammered all at once if there are more than a few of us.)

Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 02:40 PM CDT
Somebody refresh my memory, is it possible to play TF and prime at the same time, or would it require a second account to play both instances?

>befriend clear all
You are now friendless.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 02:47 PM CDT
>Somebody refresh my memory, is it possible to play TF and prime at the same time, or would it require a second account to play both instances?

Would need 2 accounts.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 02:48 PM CDT

I made a guy to start prepping and just using crossing gear, its totally fine for a while.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 02:54 PM CDT
Yes, in order to have a toon active in each instance at the same time, they have to be on separate accounts.

I generally like to run my TF toon when I'm working or sleeping, so it doesn't interfere much with any time I have to play in Prime.

Of course if there's something actually going on in TF, I think it's a LOT more fun. You don't have to worry about some toddler getting offended because you have the letter 'b' in your name or a toon getting stunned and earning you an AFK warning.

Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 04:02 PM CDT
Mooch, do you want/need any weapons?

Also, for anyone joining, you should the CHATTER /ON command to turn on the global communication channel.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/21/2013 04:16 PM CDT
Only thing I'm really wanting, if not needing, is a compendium with the basic charts like they have in the newb store in the plaza. I think they're 15 plat, but that just means I'll have to get my money earning scripts up to par fast.

I haven't used anything but store bought weapons in years on any of my toons. (especially in TF)

And now chatter is automatically on. Or at least it automatically shows up in the thought window. I'm guessing anyone in this contest is going to use Genie or raw data anyways, so it's easy to find.

Heh, maybe this will finally push me to finally give up on Genie and write my own front end. I've been meaning to for years. (Maybe I'll even get that mod of Erlang up and working.)

Re: TF Race to 150th 09/23/2013 06:01 AM CDT
would there be any interest in having a list of which toons are participating and guild?

I'd be happy to throw something up and maintain it.

On another note, I guess I better get script writing like a demon, most of my stuff is 1/2 done dagnabbit!

Looking forward to this bit of fun.
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/23/2013 12:23 PM CDT
I would love it. Even if it's just here and folks check in from time to time.

And yeah, it's one thing to just throw together a script or three to work most of the skills needed. Trying to get one stable script to work everything and recover when it glitches, that's a whole different game. Fun!

That's why those of us who are playing are writing scripts now. What I'm interested in is trying to get scripts stable enough to not crash and that will learn over time so I don't have to keep fooling with them as the toon learns. Heh ... want to submit some of these scripts to a Turing test when we're done?
Re: TF Race to 150th 09/23/2013 01:56 PM CDT
Toon List [Re: TF Race to 150th] 09/23/2013 03:22 PM CDT

Okay folks - If you are going to participate and dont' mind being on the list please either post here so I can see you are participating or .. My preference .. email me at

I'll post up information here with a link to a google doc or just periodically on the forums or both!

Re: Toon List [Re: TF Race to 150th] 09/23/2013 07:29 PM CDT
Ill have a guy, I think it will be Peleus which will be a paladin.
Re: Toon List [Re: TF Race to 150th] 09/24/2013 12:08 AM CDT
Mooch, a moon mage, at least that's what it looks like at this point.
Re: Toon List [Re: TF Race to 150th] 09/26/2013 07:13 AM CDT

I'll be playing Emicarn, thinking Warmie at the moment.

Here is the link to the doc I setup to track who is in the race. If you want to be added post here or contact me @