thoughts about extreme shop 08/17/2012 10:49 AM CDT
So we had the extreme shop in a static location about 8 months ago, and everybody loved it. Knew exactly where to go to buy the items for when they saved up their coin. Now it is back to its random locations and nobody has interest at all to look for it. A few of us that are left have tons of coins, one person so much in fact almost broke the game.

Can management please reconsider to having the extreme shop in a static location? It would also be cool to have some more high end items added, I know some GM's have popped in and bounced ideas around.

I really dont see the harm in people having easy access to the extreme shop, stick it out on hara again and it is at least a few hours trip out there. The items still cost ~1k plat, so its not like people will be buying stuff daily. I really would like something to spend my coin on, and this is the prime opprotunity to do it, given there are no more high end ticket items like boats. Heck I only manage to spend about 10 plat every couple days on armor repair, there is literally nothing to spend my money on.

Re: thoughts about extreme shop 08/17/2012 03:44 PM CDT
I feel for ya Worril. I have never spent a moment looking for the extreme shop... ever. If it was in a static location, I might have visited it, but if I remember correctly, it changes appearance, location, etc, every time someone shops in it and I wouldn't have recognized it for what it was anyway. I think Copernicus actually wrote a script to look for it and managed to find it several times, but that's far too much work.

Hope all is well with you guys in TF.

Former player of Bobbybooshay, Jekyll, and Hide.

Elvis has left the building.
Re: thoughts about extreme shop 08/18/2012 07:08 PM CDT
Makes no sense to me to have a system that gets used about once every 4 months, but what do I know.
Re: thoughts about extreme shop 01/18/2013 07:36 AM CST
I agree the extreme shop should be static. There's literally nothing to spend money on.
I was told to move coins around to different banks because I was closing in on 200k plat in a single bank and that would break stuff or something. I spent around 80k at the fest and made a little dent.
Seriously there's no sense with the extreme shop being randomly hidden anywhere in the world because people rarely ever bother to look for it,
It's so hard to find sometimes and many times it has gotten stuck in random hard or impossible to reach places and no one found it for many months..
If it was in a static location, it would actually get used and it would be a good platform for equipping noobs with good gear.

It is no longer necessary with skills being capped.

Re: thoughts about extreme shop 01/18/2013 01:24 PM CST
Even my level 33 Warrior Mage that I periodically play in TF is sitting on a little over 2K plat because there is absolutely nothing to spend it on. I'm not sure what I could afford in the Extreme Shop with that but if it were stationary I would be in there spending it on whatever I could.
Re: thoughts about extreme shop 01/18/2013 04:10 PM CST
I was playing TF when the extreme shop was introduced, and continued to play for several years after. I never once bothered to look for it. One person finds it, buys one item, leaves, and POOF, it moves somewhere else? Stupid. I hated the concept then, I hate it even more now, and I don't play TF anymore.


"Nope, I decided parry will remain completely and utterly useless. Try something else."
Re: thoughts about extreme shop 01/18/2013 07:52 PM CST

The only times I have been in the extreme shop is when I happened to stumble across it as it was in the path between my hunting area and the healers. Other than that, like the poster has mentioned, its either in a location we cant get to, or I am just too lazy to look for it along with everybody else. Static location really makes sense here (it would go a long way in keeping customers happy).
Scrolls 02/24/2013 06:59 AM CST
Can we get the skill scrolls in Fang Cove fixed please?
Re: Scrolls 02/24/2013 02:01 PM CST

Seconded, we really have a lot of fun with these.
Re: Scrolls 02/24/2013 02:13 PM CST
They're on the list guys, I know, the list is just so very long.

I need to look at the code and figure out how long a conversion will take.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Scrolls 03/11/2013 08:28 PM CDT

Thanks a lot Raesh for turning on the scrolls, I and others really appreciate it.