i had forgotten this folder existed, probably should read the boards more often but nonetheless i wanted to chime in with a comment made by a fellow Plat player. Asbhuan succinctly put it:
"I do thank you for at least trying the Plat instance. I personally found it to be more like the community was when I first started DR in 1996. For me, it kept me in DR."
i wholeheartedly agree with this statement. i started playing DR sometime in 98 (i think), did the whole migration to the web and enjoyed it for what it was but the OOC and the constant fighting over hunting spots finally got to me. This is not to say that you will not run into this in Plat too at times but the chances of it happening are slim to none and more likely none. i opened an account shortly after Plat's inception and have not looked back since. i will share to that visiting in Prime feels.. out of place. there are very few there who actually remember me and fewer still who play.
i can understand that some players may feel left out of the initial RP in plat but i urge you to consider the fact that the group that is the core of Plat has been here for a long time and we have, as any other group, grown accustomed to each other. as with any new place the onus sometimes falls on the new character to strike up a conversation and integrate themselves into our community. just the other day i had a fun experience with a few people until 3 am est. it was all via chat, we did not even see each other.. probably better in view of the dwarf beard we were teasing but it was great!
certainly the times you select to join the game matter in the abundance of people you see. i think a good idea to adopt is this: come to grips with the fact that each day is more of a mix and match. maybe today is a training day.. maybe it is a day to hang out at the fountain and interact, maybe it's kill a GM day..
i have learned to profit from each day as i see fit but my character is more of a loner so the environment suits him perfectly. he also has a very focused goal in mind now and is very driven to attain it.
the other thing i would also recommend is that you must be very self reliant since PC empaths are not always available and we have 1 playing cleric who can ressurect (maybe 2).
in conclusion, i would very much like to help any newcomers with questions/concerns/gear/pretty much anything else but you will need to find me in game. i rarely ever check my email and generally forget to log into AIM (DamianDR) unless something kick starts my memory. for all IC purposes you may consider Damian's name posted on the town board for help to the newly arrived. remember to turn on CHAT and request assistance. i do ask that you be patient as i cannot always drop things and come visit. i also do ask that you keep interactions IC, anything OOC please use the OOC verb and i will answer to the best of my ability.
one other thing i'd like to mention, there are characters here who are not polite/gentle/happy/etc.. you may run into them but that is part of the allure. it is very difficult to play a villain in plat due to the small community and the fact that reputation matters here and people will refuse to help you.
Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
Re: Just to chime in
05/01/2009 08:10 AM CDT
I will also add that my wife and I decided to try plat on the trial that they often offer. Our first night in was yesterday and today I am fully upgrading the accounts!
Plat is just wonderful! We met many people, whom each had their own unique persona and were each willing to spend well over an hour interacting with the "new comers". Hope more will follow!
Mind of Many
Plat is just wonderful! We met many people, whom each had their own unique persona and were each willing to spend well over an hour interacting with the "new comers". Hope more will follow!
Mind of Many
Re: Just to chime in
05/18/2009 07:33 AM CDT
<<i started playing DR sometime in 98 (i think)>>
He means April(-ish) '96. ;)
He means April(-ish) '96. ;)
Re: Just to chime in
05/18/2009 07:42 AM CDT
>>He means April(-ish) '96. ;) <<
Heh alright so i was off a couple of years, it's been a LONG time. How've you been anyway? i saw ya the other day but Damian thought you'd fallen off the face of Elanthia.
Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
Heh alright so i was off a couple of years, it's been a LONG time. How've you been anyway? i saw ya the other day but Damian thought you'd fallen off the face of Elanthia.
Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.