Hi again!
A new family (account) vault system is in DragonRealms Test for folks to poke at! Account vaults unlock additional storage that is shared between the characters who have unlocked access. They make it easier (and safer) to move items between alts and provide additional storage for those with overflowing vaults already! We've poked our active custom property owners to test it before posting more widely, and the info here should cover some of the questions they raised.
Unlocking: Each character you want to have access requires a lease from the Simucoin store or MT event prize. F2P accounts can unlock the family vault via these leases, and yes it basically just acts as extra storage since they can't have alts. Only characters on the same account can be added -- no sharing between accounts. If you transfer a character to a new account, it loses access to the old vault and must re-purchase a new lease for access to the new account.
Rent: The monthly rent can be paid either with additional Simucoin leases or with in-game Plats, except for F2P accounts (required to purchase additional leases). Rent is for the entire account, not per-character. If Joe pays the rent, then Bob, Sally and Sandra can all access their family's vault (provided Bob, Sally and Sandra each redeemed an initial lease to be added to the tracking). Only a character who has unlocked the family vault can pay rent for it. Your items are not lost if rent expires; you just won't be allowed to access your items until the rent is paid.
Cost: Scoin prices aren't finalized until fully released. In-game versions of the lease at events (like Duskruin) may cost more or less depending on how the particular event's currencies balance out, but shouldn't be too far off from what ends up in the Simucoin store. If paying the rent with in-game coins, it costs 100 platinum Kronars for +30 days. You can pre-pay/redeem as much rent as you want to pay for, but there are no refunds. Don't unlock 12 months of rent and then cancel your account unless you're ok with those funds being gone.
Location: Initially, a few new rooms are being added to the Crossing carousel near the current regular vaults. A new NPC is at the desk to handle family vault rents and checking on remaining time. Down the line, we'll be adding similar facilities to the other carousels around the game. Family vaults are global. Joe can put a scimitar in at the Crossing carousel, and Sandra can pull it out in Shard (when facilities are added there).
Capacity: F2P can store 25 items, Basic gets 75, Premium gets 150, and the Platinum instance gets 200. This does not grow or change over time. An upgrade will be available to double your storage in 30 day increments, but this (likely) won't happen with release. It'll be something we open up down the line.
Organization: Everyone gets a brass hook, steel wire rack, and small shelf. Premium/Platinum also get two drawers. You cannot add additional 'functional furniture' to account vaults at this time.
Vault books?: There is not a similar mechanic for family vaults, yet. Remember urchin runners with BANK? We have plans for a VAULT or LOCKER command that makes use of urchin runners, but that won't be ready by Duskruin. No work has begun on that yet, but it's planned when time allows.
When?: Provided testing doesn't explode, the leases will be available initially at Duskruin next week!
Alright! Those are the basics! If you would like to test this out, I've set out a table at the Crossing carousel desk where you can purchase a Rundmolen lease (for Kronars for testing). There's a sign you can read for more information. You should notice the new area south of the existing arches -- these are solely for family vaults. You can also STUDY the NPC for topics to inquire about.
Please post any feedback or questions in the DR Testing topic within the Discussions with Staff and Players category!
Another big thanks to Grejuva for tackling this sprawling QC, too! This was not a small project!
...who is done for tonight. No more testing posts!
Re: Ready for Testing: Family Vaults
03/07/2019 12:40 PM CST
Not seeing any issues with Family vaults other then the time limit, seems to be around 5 minutes once you leave the vault, before the same character can enter it again.
Re: Ready for Testing: Family Vaults
03/07/2019 06:03 PM CST
The timer is for the initial release when we have limited chambers available. We'll revisit this when the other carousels open up / expand.
Thanks for poking at it!
Thanks for poking at it!
Re: Ready for Testing: Family Vaults
03/07/2019 08:06 PM CST
Again, not trying to be debbie downer but premies have been (or were, I know we asked for it back in the early aughts) so again not cool this is being opened to all.
I know times change, but again considering what we pay for premie accts (especially those of us who run pay for more than 1 premie/plat accts), not cool. :(
I know times change, but again considering what we pay for premie accts (especially those of us who run pay for more than 1 premie/plat accts), not cool. :(
Re: Ready for Testing: Family Vaults
03/07/2019 08:29 PM CST
I'm sorry, but I don't think you finished your thought here. Premium players have been what?
Account vaults are a new system. They've never been available to Premium players or anyone else. Premium players have access to homes, but that's a whole different system. It also isn't global -- your home is fixed in a single location. Your alts have to travel to that home to get whatever you wanted to swap around.
So, forgive me, but what do you feel was taken away from Premium players with this one?
Account vaults are a new system. They've never been available to Premium players or anyone else. Premium players have access to homes, but that's a whole different system. It also isn't global -- your home is fixed in a single location. Your alts have to travel to that home to get whatever you wanted to swap around.
So, forgive me, but what do you feel was taken away from Premium players with this one?
Re: Ready for Testing: Family Vaults
03/07/2019 11:03 PM CST
Some questions came up elsewhere, wanted to share here to help make it more clear.
The unlock is a one-time per-character thing. It simply sets the field on the character so the system recognizes the character has access. Let's play out an example of day 1 of release. I have Zadraes, Amaetus, and Minime on my account.
* I take Zadraes and try to get in the vault -- can't. My account/character isn't registered. So I grab a lease, redeem it. Now Zadraes has access with 30 days of rent already set from the lease.
* I take Amaetus to the vault, he can't get in because he hasn't redeemed a lease. He grabs a lease, redeems it, goes in. We're still on day 1, so my account is now up to 60 days of pre-paid vault rent.
* I take Minime...same deal as Amaetus. He's not recognized in the system yet, so he grabs a lease. Redeems it. Now he can get in and put stuff in /take stuff out too. Still on day 1, account is now at 90 days of pre-paid rent.
* I don't pay rent until June...because 3x 30 has been redeemed. March-->April covered by Zadraes's lease. April-->May covered by Amaetus's. May-->June covered by Minime's.
* In June, I take a break from playing because I've got super serious GM stuff to focus on, so my rent lapses. My items aren't gone or deleted or anything like that, I just can't get to them until rent is paid again. I don't have to re-buy leases -- Zadraes, Amaetus and Minime are all still set, they just need someone to pay rent.
* In July, I don't want to add any other characters, these are the only 3 I care about. So I take Zadraes to the carousel and pay 100 plats.
* Zadraes, Amaetus and Minime can all access the vault off that single rental payment. It's not an individual thing, nor are anymore leases needed. July-->August rent is covered from the plats paid in July.
* I didn't get to play much in July, plats are low, but I I've got some free simucoins to spend (remember to log in each month and collect yours!). So I grab another lease with Zadraes and redeem it. Rent is covered for everyone until September.
* Alternatively, I could have grabbed Deleteme and redeemed the lease on him, thus adding a 4th character to my shared vault while also gaining the same +30 days of rent.
Hopefully that helps clear up some of the confusion. It is not a monthly scoin cost AND in-game cost. It's a one-time per-character scoin cost (though these don't auto-redeem and can be sold/traded/gifted for IG-coins after someone gets one). If you only want one character to have access, then you only ever need one lease and rent can then be paid with plats.
The unlock is a one-time per-character thing. It simply sets the field on the character so the system recognizes the character has access. Let's play out an example of day 1 of release. I have Zadraes, Amaetus, and Minime on my account.
* I take Zadraes and try to get in the vault -- can't. My account/character isn't registered. So I grab a lease, redeem it. Now Zadraes has access with 30 days of rent already set from the lease.
* I take Amaetus to the vault, he can't get in because he hasn't redeemed a lease. He grabs a lease, redeems it, goes in. We're still on day 1, so my account is now up to 60 days of pre-paid vault rent.
* I take Minime...same deal as Amaetus. He's not recognized in the system yet, so he grabs a lease. Redeems it. Now he can get in and put stuff in /take stuff out too. Still on day 1, account is now at 90 days of pre-paid rent.
* I don't pay rent until June...because 3x 30 has been redeemed. March-->April covered by Zadraes's lease. April-->May covered by Amaetus's. May-->June covered by Minime's.
* In June, I take a break from playing because I've got super serious GM stuff to focus on, so my rent lapses. My items aren't gone or deleted or anything like that, I just can't get to them until rent is paid again. I don't have to re-buy leases -- Zadraes, Amaetus and Minime are all still set, they just need someone to pay rent.
* In July, I don't want to add any other characters, these are the only 3 I care about. So I take Zadraes to the carousel and pay 100 plats.
* Zadraes, Amaetus and Minime can all access the vault off that single rental payment. It's not an individual thing, nor are anymore leases needed. July-->August rent is covered from the plats paid in July.
* I didn't get to play much in July, plats are low, but I I've got some free simucoins to spend (remember to log in each month and collect yours!). So I grab another lease with Zadraes and redeem it. Rent is covered for everyone until September.
* Alternatively, I could have grabbed Deleteme and redeemed the lease on him, thus adding a 4th character to my shared vault while also gaining the same +30 days of rent.
Hopefully that helps clear up some of the confusion. It is not a monthly scoin cost AND in-game cost. It's a one-time per-character scoin cost (though these don't auto-redeem and can be sold/traded/gifted for IG-coins after someone gets one). If you only want one character to have access, then you only ever need one lease and rent can then be paid with plats.
Re: Ready for Testing: Family Vaults
03/08/2019 12:08 PM CST
Yeah, I forgot the word "ask" Its something premies have/were asking for back in the day. That we could have family vaults.
Sorry bout that Zad, I just guess on both things (bank & family vaults) we'll agree to disagree :)
I get that you were originally on the Premie team, I do understand where you're coming from & how you are probably being directed(?) to keep players paying & this is a nice perk for all.
I'll end it here as I've said my piece, you've explained yours. :) I just dont agree is all, but thank you.
Sorry bout that Zad, I just guess on both things (bank & family vaults) we'll agree to disagree :)
I get that you were originally on the Premie team, I do understand where you're coming from & how you are probably being directed(?) to keep players paying & this is a nice perk for all.
I'll end it here as I've said my piece, you've explained yours. :) I just dont agree is all, but thank you.