MT limits + Exoskeletal gear and repairs 06/03/2021 08:32 AM CDT
We should be aware of MT items and restrictions on their use before purchasing them.

This thought was prompted by my dissatisfaction with how the armor orbs get locked on to your body. I think it would be a good practice to explicitly list / describe limitations placed on items (expensive in game currency or MT items). Essentially if you have a cool item that does X and the GMs decide they need Y restriction to balance it out, knowledge of Y should be readily available. So, orb armor repairs is awesome, but would be a bit cheese if it were unlimited, so it needs a cool down of not being able to remove armor for 12 hours. I just think it would save my fellow players and beloved staff some time and frustration down the road.

Also, can exoskeletal gear be looked at in terms of limits on use? I am not sure how weapons or shield work, but the armor is glued on to your body when on cooldown, which gets in the way of things like lockpicking. The preferred outcome would be no cooldown, an alternative would be a cooldown on repair but not doffing/donning. If those two are not feasible, please consider refunds.
Re: MT limits + Exoskeletal gear and repairs 06/04/2021 10:47 AM CDT
>>the armor is glued on to your body when on cooldown, which gets in the way of things like lockpicking

Not discounting the fact that folks might not know about cooldowns, I don't think body armor influences lockpicking. It's just hands and head (eyes in particular?) armor that matters.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.