Empath Guild 10/08/2020 11:31 AM CDT


My complaint is more of a suggestive complaint.

Being on the <admitted> wrong side of an altercation as to which i was ejected from the empath guild <as in i was told i was ejected wrongly> said Empath who did so, was then gone from the realms about 20-30 min later.

I feel that, to avoid abuse of this ability if the Empath who removes you, leaves the realms, the ban should be lifted.

There were some extenuating circumstances afterwards which have aroused suspicion of mechanics abuse/ harassment so i will leave it in the hands of the GMs to sort out, however as far as my knowledge is aware of, there is no way to get back into the guild if one was wrongly ejected, or ejected out of spite, malice, bullying, to assist another in a PvP situation etc.

That is all.