Expired visa consequences 08/24/2019 03:50 PM CDT
So I was curious what the "dire consequences" were for not heading back to Zoluren once my F2P Bard's temporary visa expired. Waited to see and this happened:

A group of rough looking men suddenly jump out of the shadows and immediately surround you. Shocked for a moment at the sudden activity, you don't have time to even put up a struggle, before you find yourself bound tightly with ropes. As you twist and turn to try to escape, you feel repeated blows to your back, legs, and head. The last thing you see before blacking out from a particularly jarring blow to the back of your head, is a sturdy blanket being thrown over you.

After some time you find yourself...

[Town Hall, Citizenship Registration Office]

A clerk leans down and says to you, "Welcome back. We are always sad to have to resort to these methods, but our guild visa program with the various provinces are very specific. The costs of your retrieval has been added to your debt here. If you are in further need of visa services, I'm afraid it will be awhile before we can accommodate you." With that the clerk turns away.

You have a deeply bruised head compounded by cuts and bruises about the head, a severely swollen and deeply bruised neck compounded by cuts and bruises about the neck, a severely swollen and deeply bruised right leg compounded by cuts and bruises about the right leg, a severely swollen and deeply bruised left leg compounded by cuts and bruises about the left leg, some minor abrasions to the chest, severely swollen and bruised back compounded by cuts and bruises about the back.

Seems a bit much for those getting brought back due to expired visas, at least for a Novice. My little circle 1 Bard died as a result. I think being knocked out and a head wound would have sufficed, along with the 1 gold fee added to my debt. Admittedly, I probably could have run to the Empath guild and gotten healed if I hadn't been making a cup of tea when it happened. Just my two cents.
Re: Expired visa consequences 08/27/2019 07:12 PM CDT
You have a divine charm. Seems like you asked for what would happen and it happened. It's not too much IMHO.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

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