Rope bridge 03/24/2019 01:34 PM CDT
I had forgotten about this thing.

Is there a chance we could build a real bridge up here? Or have the mechanics looked over from a quality of life angle?

It's a really fun idea, it's just not very entertaining to have 2 minutes of solid RT with no interaction, and only one person able to cross at a time.

From an in game perspective, we've had adventurers hoofing it back and forth for a decade. The trade venues alone would probably pay for bridge construction and upkeep.
Re: Rope bridge 03/24/2019 04:11 PM CDT
The Baron has mentioned several times the intention to fix this bridge. Hasn't happened yet, but it's on their radar.

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
Re: Rope bridge 04/03/2019 06:15 PM CDT
Yeah, I thought about this from an RP perspective. As if I were the Baron.

So, the revenue from Lang is mostly fur trade. Then you open the floodgates of Rossman's. Now you've got kitty skins coming in at a flood. What happens to Lang?

Rossman's has learned to cope with the trickle of commerce. Lang has the wharf, it is the throat of Therenborough. It's woodsy but it has a constant flood of people. What happens when that withers?

If I were to pick an RP reason for the bridge never being built, it would be that.

Also, I hate the rope bridge. Please find a reason to cut Lang out of the mix.
Re: Rope bridge 04/04/2019 07:18 AM CDT
Playability needs to trump RP sometimes. It took me 123 seconds to go from Lang to Rossmans. It took me 250 seconds to go from Rossmans to Shard. There's something seriously wrong there.
Re: Rope bridge 04/04/2019 12:05 PM CDT
It's not like the route suddenly becomes prime trade route, if that bridge is there. One side of that rope bridge is controlled by Orcs, right? What would the Orcish response be? Would they just destroy it again? Would they use it to mount invasions on Theren? Maybe the Baron could consider building more docks and commissioning another ferry, instead, if his objective is to bring more trade with Rossman's Landing. I know it's not the best thing for us PCs, but it would make sense.
Re: Rope bridge 04/04/2019 12:36 PM CDT
Or a IMHO neat lil way to rap up the orcs storyline is we fight him & his group for control of the area. If/when we kill Vigu (spelling?) we get limited control of the area that will be the start & end rooms of a walkable bridge. Rooms out from there are still the "wilderness" they are now.

Its a PITA to pilot a rentable boat to rossmans, I get not everyone should be able to get to rossmans but its still a PITA.
Re: Rope bridge 04/04/2019 01:55 PM CDT
I don't understand why this has become such an ordeal. We practically put jet engines on our ferries to make them player friendly–why are we even having a debate about this for so many years?

I have no dog in this fight, except the general frustration/confusion over seeing how long this has dragged on. It's just a portal, why can't we change/replace it. People are free to roleplay that they're still using the rickety garbage bridge that is hard to cross.

At this point, it feels like two things:
1) Players are waiting for a plot to get developed to justify another portal, and it is regrettably always falling to the wayside because GMs have to juggle a lot of balls at once and this is what ends up getting backburnered.
2) A GM is really invested in the bridge working this way, and won't let go. As someone who hates letting go of a design thing I made/like, I get it, but this has gotten ridiculous.

Can anything get done?

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Rope bridge 04/07/2019 11:23 PM CDT
We don't currently have anyone holding on to the rope bridge for sentiment or any other reasons.

We just have stuff to take care of.

Change will come when we can get it done right.

Doing stuff
Re: Rope bridge 04/08/2019 01:41 AM CDT
Thanks for responding Iocanthe. I would love to see changes to it, but i'm always waiting to see what you all come up with next! :)
Re: Rope bridge 04/09/2019 10:39 AM CDT
>>Change will come when we can get it done right.

There are a lot of NDA things that go on in the background which players aren't [understandably] privy to, so I'm very likely missing something that is super-obvious on the GM side, but for [many?] players it's confusing why something that feels like such a direct and clear adjustment (once again admittedly via the player side) hasn't been done yet.

I think it's awesome when we have events that explain things like Magic 3.0, Trader magic, Fang Cove being released, etc, because it gives us a way to have our characters explain why things changed (plus they're just outright fun). At the same time, I don't think there were events connected to increasing ferry/ship speeds, the REXP updates, and various other quality of life updates.

It (once again very understandably) takes time to develop an event/storyline to announce a visual change to the game's environment. On the other hand, if there is a temporary mechanical change (bridge with RT and unique mechs so only one person can use at a time to bridge-as-a-portal), as opposed to a visual change (thin rope bridge to wide stone bridge), is an event required? Characters can still roleplay that the bridge is bad and a new way to travel to Rossman's is required; there just won't be a player-side frustration with a mechanic that is causing more headaches than it solves.

Totally understand that there might be an adjustment/change that'll completely blow the "just remove the bridge mechanics" option out of the water. I'll be very happy to be shown to just be more patient because I don't realize how the change is right around the corner (once again!). Similarly, this feels like a thing that bugged players for years and I also don't want to ignore pushing for a more direct/short-term adjustment in the event other things (once again understandably) come up that push this thing to the back-burner.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Rope bridge 04/09/2019 11:17 PM CDT
Perhaps the simplest solution is to reduce the RT with skill and allow multiple characters on the rope at once? Maybe one going in each direction?
Re: Rope bridge 04/10/2019 10:11 AM CDT
>>Perhaps the simplest solution is to reduce the RT with skill and allow multiple characters on the rope at once? Maybe one going in each direction?

Clearly not a GM, but IMO that would be more complicated than just making it a portal, mainly because it means making new mechanics. AFAIK, portals are portals are portals.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Rope bridge 04/10/2019 11:44 AM CDT
A portal would be great also.