I was chatting with a cleric by the name of Harsh in the Empath's Courtyard in Crossings today and we had an interesting discussion and bit of a disagreement.
First he claimed that because of a Death Spirit's corruption it must absolutely and certainly be forced to walk the Starry Road, because it died a long time ago and has no ordinary body to return too. However, I, Sircha Rankmere the Bard 70th circle and playing since 1996, I strongly disagree. While it's body assuredly cannot be restored, I believe that a Death Spirit, despite it's corruption must be given an opportunity to leave it's corruption behind and be truly redeemed to live a new peaceful life upon Elanthia as a spirit that's given the opportunity and wanders the world with nothing but ordinary good shining in it's heart.
Therefore, I would ask that all those who might agree with me to stop hunting Death Spirits until such conditions are met and found. Perhaps through song we can allow them to live new lives upon Elanthia once again. After all, did not Lanival the Redeemer bring Ressurection into this world, and through him and his Clerics banish death from this world? Should we not consider giving the same opportunity to Death Spirits and other Undead who walk the world? That is instead of demanding they walk the starry road, we give them a new life in this world, upon Elanthia as free and good spirits?