hunting areas that make you go hummmmm 07/30/2012 04:57 PM CDT

How about a hunting area that the critters in have variable skills and stats a bit. like so ogres that may gen with x skill in a weapon or defense or may gen with x + 50.

stats may varry by as much as 3 or 5 ect.
Re: hunting areas that make you go hummmmm 07/30/2012 05:08 PM CDT
Many hunting areas do that (Though not quite to the degree you're talking about). Our experience with mixed level (Which is what you get when you start having higher variations or creatures of different types and levels) is that it is generally a bad idea.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose