Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 02:36 AM CDT
If we're down for the count and there is only one critter on us/in the room, could they wander away instead of beating us like there's a gang of them there until we're actually dead?

If there were no cost or sacrifice involved, there wouldn't be any benefits worth learning, and the entire system would be pointless. --GM Wythor

These statements were not endorsed or made by a GM and may be completely irrealavent to game play.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 06:47 AM CDT
>>If we're down for the count and there is only one critter on us/in the room, could they wander away instead of beating us like there's a gang of them there until we're actually dead?

No. Please think. Why in the world would they do that.

IC: Do we as adventurers do this? Not even close. The intelligent ones, why would they not kill us when we actively hunt them down and slaughter them wholesale? The non-intelligent beast ones, hey, gotta eat. Maybe they should continue to attack us (eat) when we're dead.

OOC: Hunting has to have some negative, aka RISK. Death is the risk you take. Regardless of the number of mobs you are attacking.

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 07:30 AM CDT
>Maybe they should continue to attack us (eat) when we're dead.

Yet another reason to like Bloodvines.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:18 PM CDT
>>Maybe they should continue to attack us (eat) when we're dead.

Some do. Snow goblins, gargoyles, and celpeze come to mind.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:19 PM CDT
I can name quite a few more that mutilate bodies.

Kartais often nip off bits (hands in particular I think). Germs will snap your neck or just rend your entire body (External wounds EVERYWHERE).

... hmmm both Rigby critters. Coincidence?

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:20 PM CDT
>>Some do. Snow goblins, gargoyles, and celpeze come to mind.

I forgot those did that. Thanks!

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:30 PM CDT
I don't know if they still do, but, at one time wind hounds would drag your dead body from room to room.

Sibley's player

Math that does not involve hypercubes and Cthulhu is covered in Scholarship.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:37 PM CDT
I seem to recall if you die alley thugs will loot your corpse.


And if true... Yet another Rigby monster. So evil.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:49 PM CDT
>I seem to recall if you die alley thugs will loot your corpse.

If you mean take your items, that's gotta be false.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:53 PM CDT
I believe they'd just go through your stuff and take random gems.

Anyone wanna go die for science?

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 01:55 PM CDT
I know that Adan'f will steal anything you drop.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 03:36 PM CDT
>>I believe they'd just go through your stuff and take random gems.

Already certain this is accurate. I had it happen to me recently (within the last few months).

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 04:04 PM CDT
Grendels rip chunks of flesh off dead bodies and eat them, and long ago in another body a frostweaver kicked my corpse into an adjacent room, leaving my dropped sword and shield behind.


A heavy crossbow is a heavy crossbow type weapon.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 04:31 PM CDT
Scavenger trolls will actually take items off your body, and not just weapons.

One of them took a friend's leather mask off him once and he never saw it again. It was a feature hider and he had to assist to get his face fixed.

Rev. Reene

Foresee exclaims, "Everyone is always so suspicious! "What was that powder you just slipped into my drink?" They don't ask the other sects that!"
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/18/2009 05:01 PM CDT
<<Scavenger trolls will actually take items off your body, and not just weapons.

<<One of them took a friend's leather mask off him once and he never saw it again. It was a feature hider and he had to assist to get his face fixed.

That gives a new meaning to the faceless title
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/19/2009 01:04 AM CDT
Ghoul crows on aesry poke out both eyes.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/19/2009 06:52 AM CDT
TC thugs will loot any gems you leave on the ground if you're dead or in hiding. They don't last long though because the janitor is on speed in there.


The gods are jerks. No, really.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/19/2009 08:37 AM CDT
Scavenger trolls seem to favor head gear. I lost 2 or three cowls in there, and I think a pair of tanned gloves once. Sucks cause you can't go kill the one that stole it after to get them back like if they put it in there pack or something.

Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/19/2009 08:51 AM CDT
>Sucks cause you can't go kill the one that stole it after to get them back like if they put it in there pack or something.

I think that's supposed to be possible.
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/19/2009 10:38 AM CDT
Supposed to, yes...but unless you're hunting with a group, or help arrives VERY quickly in that rather outlying area, the troll with your stuff will despawn rather rapidly.

Sarkranis: "From outside of the Empath's guild, go east, north, and through the hospital backdoor."
Trinean: "I'm not sure I trust healing through the back door."
Zamara: "It's not so bad, once you get used to it."
Re: Un Mobbing the Mobs Mentality. 08/19/2009 05:07 PM CDT
If you manage to kill it you can get your crap back.

That said, a friend of mine dropped his bonded glaes sabre in there when he died, a troll snatched it within seconds and despawned less than 30 seconds later.

He got it replaced fortunately, but uh... Yeah, scavenger trolls are buggy and will take your crap.

Rev. Reene

Foresee exclaims, "Everyone is always so suspicious! "What was that powder you just slipped into my drink?" They don't ask the other sects that!"