For today's lunchtime brainstorm, I've got an idea to make the drop attack used by adult (and I think bone?) wyverns a bit more manageable. That is simply to add intermediate results based on how badly you failed to avoid the attack. Right now if you don't completely avoid it, the wyvern gets to haul you as high as it wants and let you plummet helplessly back to the ground for massive damage. I'd say we can leave that as a "you badly failed to avoid wasn't even remotely close" sort of result, and let it scale gradually to zero on a complete success. The idea, conceptually, is that you manage to escape its clutches before it gets very high, leading to a less damaging impact with the ground when you land. The more successful you are, the less distance you have to fall.
For some reason I have it in my head that the reason the various requests to tone down the attack have gone unanswered may just come down to an inability to see how a free-fall from great height could possibly not be massively damaging. The solution to that is to describe what's taking place in a way that does allow for intermediate levels of success, and I think "you slip free and don't have to fall as far" neatly does the trick in this case.
-Life Weaver Karthor