What to hunt after headsplitters 02/07/2015 10:12 AM CST
Hey all, just came back after a while looking for advice on what to hunt. Paladin with the following skills
850 shield
725-800 all other armors
620 evasion
700 parry
700 large edged
600 brawling
800 defending
420 perception

Headsplitters don't really teach armor any more, got beat up pretty good with wyverns on the mountain by shard. Any suggestions for where to move next?

Re: What to hunt after headsplitters 02/07/2015 11:18 AM CST
Dillos or Resus in Crossing are my suggestions

Re: What to hunt after headsplitters 02/07/2015 11:56 AM CST
Thanks, what and where are Resus? Would be great to be able to hunt around the crossing.
Re: What to hunt after headsplitters 02/07/2015 12:14 PM CST

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Re: What to hunt after headsplitters 02/07/2015 12:34 PM CST
Did you go to the young wyverns near Shard or the juvenile one's?

Young wyverns was where I went after splitters. Was there from about 700 ranks of shield, so honestly you should be fine there. Make sure you are using your buffs.

Resuscitants are pretty much the same level as splitters. Maybe very slightly higher, but not much.

--Just a Squire
Re: What to hunt after headsplitters 02/08/2015 12:31 PM CST

Went to juveniles, will have to try the young ones.

Yeah finding Resuscitants to be slightly tougher than headsplitters, they teach le at 700 but not barely move armor. Back to Shard shortly I think.

Thanks all appreciate the help.